









I love everything about this photoset

The lack of condescension in cultural sharing

The nonsexualization

The contextual foreignness of firm breasts in a society that doesn’t use bras

This is funny and charming

By far one of my favorite posts.

I love that across cultures, every woman grabs their boobs.

My friend is an army wife and spent some time with her husband on his Pacific posting. One day the locals invited the families from the British base for a big get-together. It was going really well but after a few hours the British women noticed that a lot of the local babies were crying, so my friend asked one of the mothers if there was something wrong, like a bug going round or something. The mother replied,

“Oh no, they’re just very hungry.”

So my friend asked, “Why don’t you feed them?”

And the mother said, “We will when you’ve gone. We use our breasts to feed them and we don’t want to embarrass you.”

And my shocked friend said, “But we do that too!”

So all the British mothers who had babies sat down and whipped out their boobs to feed them (whether they were hungry or not) and the relieved local mothers then did the same.

Two things:

– because western ladies usually cover their boobs the local ladies weren’t sure whether western women use boobs for what they’re supposed to be for

– women everywhere are considerate of other women

I also really love this photo set because, far too often, we only see pictures of African women as anthropological archetypes. They are treated like exhibits to be studied, similar to exotic animals or landscapes, rather than human beings.
I LOVE these pictures, because here we have women of two different cultures laughing and talking and playing around. You can see their personalities shining through and I LOVE IT

Women 🙌🏾

this is one of those photosets that fills me with the rocket-fuel equivalent of hope and optimism

Reblogging this beautiful post before it becomes a tumblr crime

That last comment broke my heart, honestly. This has always been one of my favorite photo sets because of everything it presents: confidence, curiosity, personalities shining through the lens, positive interactions between cultures––

––and now it’s going to be goddamn BANNED because of “female presenting nipples.” 

You’re inflicting so much harm with your decision, @staff and @support. You’re erasing so much more than you could ever realize. 

This photoset is beautiful because it presents bodies as what they are – not objects solely for titillation, but as something everybody across the world has, and that they hold the potential of positive connection. 

Shame on you, @staff. Shame on you. 










Every time I hate my body I remember that there are millions of old rich white men who benefit from my self hatred and if there’s one thing I hate, it’s old rich white men so I snap out of that shit instantly cos I ain’t EVER giving them the satisfaction.

Oh my fucKING GOD

Wait stop this is a game changer.

i have reblogged this 4 times; i have thought about this every fucking day


“If every woman in the world woke up tomorrow and decided that she loved herself and loved her body just the way it is, how many industries would go out of business?”


Hey look a few more industries for us millennials to kill!

This is the most motivating thing I’ve ever seen in regards to me stopping hating on my self


To any and all disabled people, sick people, people with illnesses, spoonies, people who spend a lot of time in doctors and/or hospitals, or anyone else at all that can relate,

Your body is your own. It’s your body.

And I know that you feel like it’s not your body because you can’t control it sometimes and other people sometimes control it instead and sometimes people think they know better than you about your body and you can’t choose how much you show people sometimes and you can’t choose what people know and don’t know sometimes… and everything… but it’s your body.

It sucks I know and I can’t promise it will get better but it is your body. You’re in charge of your body, when you can be at least. I know you wish things were different sometimes and that you wish you had more control over your body.

But as long as your disability or health does not prohibit you from doing so, because it’s your body, you can

Get piercings

Get tattoos

Dye your hair

Wear different clothes

Have your hair cut or styled

Draw on yourself

Paint your nails

(Similarly, feel free to style up those mobility aids. These are also, in a way, part of you, if you want to think of them as such.)

Because it’s your body. It really is, even when it doesn’t feel like it.

Also, if someone outside of a medical environment wants to know “WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?” You do not have to answer. You are in no obligation to tell them. You don’t have to educate people’s children if you don’t want to. You don’t have to inform anyone at all if you don’t want to. You don’t owe them anything, and it’s none of their business, because it is your body.










last point of today: nobody can rock a bright yellow dress better than a DARK SKINNED woman 

like i mean…

truly my aesthetic, idk about y’all

Yet we’re always told to never wear bright vibrant colors. 🙄

That contrast is phenomenal.

10/10 would also recommend bright ass blue.

Can somebody reblog this with a photoset of dark skinned women in bright ass blue dresses pls?

Yeah I can

I love how much this blew up because it’s so positive and honestly we need more posts like this encouraging our dark skinned sisters

Dude whoever is telling y’all not to wear bright colors must be freaking color blind! Bright colors look amazing on darker skin tones! If you want to you should rock those bright colors because y’all are beautiful

Dress yourselves in gold. Feel your worth, ladies.

Wear the bright colours! You look amazing in them and you brighten the world just by daring to wear them!








Yeah that’s why they all died at 30 because they were so unhealthy but cool

Pretty sure it was the plague not heart disease.

Pretty sure it was the Plague, childbirth, food spoiling, maltreated infections, smallpox, pneumonia, and/or generally unsanitary living conditions (such as dumping sewage and waste in the streets) and not health conditions caused by excess body fat.

Not to mention that the Renaissance standard of female beauty being plumpness and full-figured forms came from the fact that it was a status symbol. Plump, pale, full-figured women were wealthy women who didn’t have to spend their days in hard labor or raising children (or both) and stood a better chance of bearing healthy babies than commoner women did.

Cultural “Oh Snap”
I hate it so much when people pull out the “unhealthy” excuse for having a reason to body shame a person.

“Women died young in the 1700s because they were fat” is an amazingly ignorant statement

Plus, if you take women in that time period in Europe, if they survived adulthood and childbirth, they could live into their sixties. It was childhood that was the most dangerous to people back then, so if you hit like, twenty, you had pretty good survival odds.

You know, unless a doctor killed you by trying to let the evil spirits out of your blood or whatever.

And those rolls would see you through a lean winter battling bronchitis, or wetnursing for hire while still feeding your own, or any number of physically demanding undernourished scenarios. Gaunt cheeks spoke of suffering that was unavoidable and mortally threatening, not some kind of false proxy for moral virtue.



“I think it’s important to be able to be like, ‘Yes, your shoulders are broad, yes your hands are big and your voice is deep and you’re really tall and people notice you, and that makes you noticeably trans, but that doesn’t make you any less beautiful,’” [Laverne Cox] says. 

“You’re not beautiful despite those things, you’re beautiful because of those things, and [believing] that has to be an active conscious process.”

Trans Is Beautiful: Laverne Cox on the Work of Self-Love via Self 

Wow, TERFs are really angry about this post. Guess it’s a good time to reblog it again. 💜