Canadian malls add gender-neutral washrooms to promote inclusivity


Shoppers at one of Canada’s biggest and busiest malls can now use the same bathroom regardless of whether they identify as male or female as Yorkdale Shopping Centre opened its first gender-neutral bathroom.

The Toronto mall is the latest public space to offer such washrooms as schools, restaurants, community centres and other institutions move to be more inclusive.

“The new washroom provides an inclusive option for anyone, including transgender people, people of diverse gender identities and those who may require accompaniment of some kind,” reads a statement from the mall.

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Canadian malls add gender-neutral washrooms to promote inclusivity















This is from an ad for gender-neutral baby clothes, btw.


@exerian :  There you go —

Ooh, I know someone with an occupied uterus who would appreciate these! They’re actually really cute!

from now on the only gender is goth

this video has 10,000 notes on tumblr but 1,600 dislikes on youtube. C’mon people! if you love this concept show Celine some love because otherwise her marketing team will think this idea was a failure 

oh hey your tweet is on tumblr now @bright-cactus

Seriously, like this video. She’s got like 900 likes and over 2000 dislikes and the comments are fucked up. She deserves some love. And honestly, if it means I can find cute shorts that are longer than an inch below the crotch for my daughter, I’ll be ecstatic

This is a gender neutral fashion line for kids, and it’s honestly pretty awesome. It’s expensive (as celebrity fashion lines tend to be) but there’s a lot of grey, black, and soft yellow and patterns that I would wear myself tbh.

Link for those to directly go to YouTube:

Wait, am I interpreting this right – the gender-neutral clothing line is FROM Celine Dion, not just using her in an ad?

2018: the year we all stop hating Celine Dion.

wait, people were hating celine dion!?

You’ve never been to Canada, clearly.

No seriously, go like the video, it’s got 5k DISLIKES at this point and that is ridiculous. (Don’t read the comments if you’re having a brain weasels day, it’s horrific.) Support gender-neutral lines of clothing even if you still don’t like Celine, mkay?














L0031936 Credit: Wellcome Library, London 
Intersex Society of North America PO Box 3070 MI 48106-3070
‘Phall-O-meter’ (Showing in actual scale current
medical standards employed to determine nature of
genital plastic surgery for children born with
mixed sex anatomy)
In copyright ? 
Collection: Wellcome Images

please reblog the fuck out of this

What in the actual fuck.


… what the— is this legit!?

Yeah it is. The phrase “three standard deviations below the mean” is the common reason for removing a male fallus and assigning the baby a female gender.

If you think about it, this actually sums up, pretty well, our society.

It physically hurt my stomach to see this.

Same >_< I’ve reblogged this before but it needs more publicity so I’m doing it again.

Unfortunately, this is nothing new and is still used today. ~Mod A

can someone explain this to me in Lehman’s terms pleSe? im confused and don’t know why everyone’s losing their shit because i don’t really understand the diagram

Okay, so there’s a wide variety of genitals out there. Here is a very simplistic chart of a spectrum genitals can fall on: 

Basically the clitoris and the penis are the exact same thing, very similar anatomy. Doctors will define it as a clitoris or penis depending on 1. if it has a urethra going through it and 2. it’s size. The diagram is the one they use to decide if they want to call the baby a girl or boy or intersex. Many babies are put through genital surgeries (sometimes without the parent’s knowledge or permission) to make them look more like a penis or more like a vulva which can cause many health problems as it is a surgery, or other problems related to being assigned a gender. Any kind of surgery that isn’t necessary for health should not be performed on babies because they cannot consent.


i dont usually see tumblr talking about intersex rights and issues, so i am really happy to see this on here. please spread this information, because too many people dont know the truth about how intersex babies are assigned genders via surgery. 1 out of 1500 children are born intersex, and 1 out of 1000 children are given surgery to ‘normalize’ their genitals. this is a horrible and disgusting statistic that needs to be brought to everyones attention

october 26th (this sunday) is intersex awareness day, please spend some time reading about this issue. its extremely important and not well known









I want men to try and imagine going about your day–working, running, hiking, whatever–and not being allowed to wear pants under threats of violence or total social and economic exclusion.

That’s the kind of irrationally violent and controlling behaviour women have been up against.

Also for anyone who thinks it’s easy for women to be gender non conforming because we can wear pants.

The only reason we can is because we fought tooth and nail for the right to! Any rights we take for granted today we’re the result of a prolonged, bitter battle fought by our predecessors for every inch of territory gained. Never forget that.

Title IX (1972) declared that girls could not be required to wear skirts to school.

Women who were United States senators were not allowed to wear trousers on the Senate floor until 1993, after senators Barbara Mikulski and Carol Moseley Braun wore them in protest, which encouraged female staff members to do likewise.

This was never given to us. Women have had to fight just to be able to wear pants. Women who are still alive remember having to wear skirts to school, even in the dead of winter, when it was so cold that just having a layer of tights between them and the elements was downright dangerous. Women who remember not even being allowed to wear pants under their skirts, for no other reason than they were female.

So don’t talk about women wearing pants being gender nonconforming like it’s easy. It’s only less difficult now because your foremothers refused to comply.

My mother spent her entire school career up until high school having to wear skirts, no matter how horrible the New England winters got, because she was forbidden to do otherwise. There were times when the weather was bad where my grandmother kept her home rather than make her walk to and from the bus in a skirt. 

They rebroadcast a few old interviews with Mary Tyler Moore, and in them she addressed the pants issue. There was a strict limit on what kind of pants she could wear (hence, always Capri pants, nothing masculine), and to use her words, how much cupping the pants could show. A censor would look at every outfit when she came out on stage, and if the pants cupped her buttocks too much, defining them rather than hiding them, then she had to get another pair.

A prime example of how gender is socially enforced.



The Ontario PC’s are transphobes. Period.

This is Doug Ford’s base.

Delegates at their convention just passed a resolution which says Gender Identity is not real and “an Ontario PC government will remove the teaching and promotion of “Gender Identity Theory” from schools and its curriculum”

UPDATE: Now they’re backpeddling a bit saying they will only debate it at their next convention.

More information here:

Resolution to do away with gender identity moves forward at Tory convention

Ontario PC Party passes resolution to debate recognition of gender identity

Ontario NDP Leader, Andrea Horwath responds:

Hey, Ontarians? Now would be a fantastic time to descend on your Conservative MPPs offices in an angry horde. Call them. Email them. Make appointments in person, if you can–make them look you in the eye and explain how they’re gonna sleep at night while enabling the deaths and discrimination of queer youth. 

Teens, this means you, too. These are your lives and futures on the line, and you have every right to speak to your representatives, to organize protests and school walkouts, to decide that you deserve better than this. Because you absolutely fucking do. 

Ontario PC Party passes resolution to not recognize gender identity




The Ontario PC Party has passed resolution to no longer recognize gender identity theory, sources tell Global News.

The vote happened Saturday morning, during the party’s three-day convention in Toronto.

The resolution says gender identity theory is “A highly
controversial, unscientific ‘liberal ideology’; and, as such, that an
Ontario PC Government will remove the teaching and promotion of ‘gender
identity theory’ from Ontario schools and its curriculum.”

The vote was adopted as a party policy and is not binding government policy.

policy, named Resolution R4, was proposed by Tanya Granic Allen, a
former Ontario PC candidate in the June general election who was ousted
following what the Ontario Liberals called “homophobic” comments in a
2014 video.

The Bigoted Asshole Party passes a motion reconfirming their dedication to being bigoted assholes, while simultaneously reminding the entire world that they wouldn’t know legitimate scientific theory if it stabbed them in the face.

Sadly, this will only endear them to their transphobic conservative fans. Thanks again to all the assholes who voted for the useless Liberals and split the vote in the last election and gave us these assholes for the next four years.

Ontario PC Party passes resolution to not recognize gender identity