












L0031936 Credit: Wellcome Library, London 
Intersex Society of North America
www.isna.org PO Box 3070 MI 48106-3070
‘Phall-O-meter’ (Showing in actual scale current
medical standards employed to determine nature of
genital plastic surgery for children born with
mixed sex anatomy)
In copyright ? 
Collection: Wellcome Images

please reblog the fuck out of this

What in the actual fuck.


… what the— is this legit!?

Yeah it is. The phrase “three standard deviations below the mean” is the common reason for removing a male fallus and assigning the baby a female gender.

If you think about it, this actually sums up, pretty well, our society.

It physically hurt my stomach to see this.

Same >_< I’ve reblogged this before but it needs more publicity so I’m doing it again.

Unfortunately, this is nothing new and is still used today. ~Mod A

can someone explain this to me in Lehman’s terms pleSe? im confused and don’t know why everyone’s losing their shit because i don’t really understand the diagram

Okay, so there’s a wide variety of genitals out there. Here is a very simplistic chart of a spectrum genitals can fall on: 

Basically the clitoris and the penis are the exact same thing, very similar anatomy. Doctors will define it as a clitoris or penis depending on 1. if it has a urethra going through it and 2. it’s size. The diagram is the one they use to decide if they want to call the baby a girl or boy or intersex. Many babies are put through genital surgeries (sometimes without the parent’s knowledge or permission) to make them look more like a penis or more like a vulva which can cause many health problems as it is a surgery, or other problems related to being assigned a gender. Any kind of surgery that isn’t necessary for health should not be performed on babies because they cannot consent.


i dont usually see tumblr talking about intersex rights and issues, so i am really happy to see this on here. please spread this information, because too many people dont know the truth about how intersex babies are assigned genders via surgery. 1 out of 1500 children are born intersex, and 1 out of 1000 children are given surgery to ‘normalize’ their genitals. this is a horrible and disgusting statistic that needs to be brought to everyones attention

october 26th (this sunday) is intersex awareness day, please spend some time reading about this issue. its extremely important and not well known

Examine ‘monstrous’ allegations of forced sterilization of Indigenous women: NDP


The federal government and the provinces must examine “monstrous” allegations of modern-day forced sterilizations of Indigenous women, NDP reconciliation critic Romeo Saganash said Monday before he pressed for answers in the House of Commons.

Coerced sterilization clearly breaches human-rights standards that Canada must fight to uphold, Saganash in an interview Monday, and said that authorities should very carefully read Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide adopted by the UN in 1948.

That international agreement says that “genocide” includes any acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, such as by “imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.”

Canadians should not tolerate allegations of forced sterilization in their country, Saganash said, and Ottawa must address the issue as victims share their stories.

Continue Reading.

Examine ‘monstrous’ allegations of forced sterilization of Indigenous women: NDP



The Ontario PC’s are transphobes. Period.

This is Doug Ford’s base.

Delegates at their convention just passed a resolution which says Gender Identity is not real and “an Ontario PC government will remove the teaching and promotion of “Gender Identity Theory” from schools and its curriculum”

UPDATE: Now they’re backpeddling a bit saying they will only debate it at their next convention.

More information here:

Resolution to do away with gender identity moves forward at Tory convention

Ontario PC Party passes resolution to debate recognition of gender identity

Ontario NDP Leader, Andrea Horwath responds:


Hey, Ontarians? Now would be a fantastic time to descend on your Conservative MPPs offices in an angry horde. Call them. Email them. Make appointments in person, if you can–make them look you in the eye and explain how they’re gonna sleep at night while enabling the deaths and discrimination of queer youth. 

Teens, this means you, too. These are your lives and futures on the line, and you have every right to speak to your representatives, to organize protests and school walkouts, to decide that you deserve better than this. Because you absolutely fucking do. 

B.C. to become first province in Western Canada to provide lower transgender surgery



Gwen Haworth says she always knew her gender identity, even when she was very young, but coming out about 18 years ago was a hard choice made even harder by a lack of services in her home province.

Between 2001 and 2004, Haworth said she went back and forth between Montreal and B.C. to get gender-affirming surgery.

The difficulties Haworth faced will soon be a thing of the past after the British Columbia government announced Friday it will provide reconstructive lower surgery for transgender people.

“Access to care was pretty fragmented, and very challenging, and hard and time consuming and costly,” said Howarth, a project manager for Trans Care BC.

Continue Reading.

@nonbinary-support this is pretty big for Canadian trans/nb people, because before this, Montréal was only place someone could go to get bottom surgery.

B.C. to become first province in Western Canada to provide lower transgender surgery

EXCLUSIVE: NDP to table motion requiring Veterans Affairs to carry over unspent funds


Federal funds budgeted for providing services to Canadian war veterans but left unspent at the end of the year may no longer go to waste if an impending NDP motion is passed by Parliament.

Global News has learned that the NDP will put forward a motion that, if passed, would prohibit the government from allowing funding to lapse at Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) until the department’s service delivery standards are met.

The motion is set to be tabled on Monday, less than a week before Remembrance Day.

Under the proposed plan, VAC funds left unspent at the end of the year will automatically be carried forward to the next year until the department meets prescribed service standards in 12 areas in which it’s currently lagging behind.


The proposed motion comes less than two months after Global News reported that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government left more than $372 million of veterans’ funds unspent since taking office in November 2015.

Continue Reading.

EXCLUSIVE: NDP to table motion requiring Veterans Affairs to carry over unspent funds


How To Help Trans, Nonbinary Communities Amid Reported Trump Policy Plans

The Trump administration is working on a plan to severely narrow the legal definition of gender, according to a report in The New York Times on Sunday.

The proposed policy, according to the Department of Health and Human Services, would define gender “on a biological basis that is clear, grounded in science, objective and administrable,” meaning it would define gender as either male or female as determined by genitalia at birth. Any dispute about an individual’s gender would require genetic testing. This would have major repercussions for the transgender and gender nonconforming communities ― particularly in regard to health care.

Roughly 1.4 million Americans identify as transgender, and as of 2017, violence against this community is on the rise.

Since the Trump plan was revealed, protesters have been gathering online ― often using the hashtag #WontBeErased ― and in person around the country. On Sunday night, several hundred people gathered in Washington Square Park in New York City.

But there is still a lot of work to be done to make sure the trans and gender nonconforming communities are protected. 

Here are some ways you can help:


You’ve likely seen people coming out in droves to encourage others to vote; it’s one of the most important things you can do as an American. Casting ballots at the federal, state and local levels affects transgender rights. Check Vote.org for ways to promote turnout in your area. Call your friends and family members nearby to go to the polls with you, and remind those in other states to vote too. 

Educate yourself

Being an ally isn’t just patting your trans or nonbinary friends on the back or retweeting them occasionally. It’s about respect and fighting for their rights. The first step to being a good ally is educating yourself on the basics — knowing someone’s preferred pronouns, avoiding stereotypes and learning what policies in government directly affect the trans and gender nonconforming communities. You can find a primer on those issues and more here.

Promote helpful resources and trans-led organizations

While many “prominent national organizations are not led by trans or nonbinary people,” many are and need help on both the national and local levels. Some of those organizations, according to Out magazine are: Audre Lorde Project, Casa Ruby, Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement, Fierce, Organizacion Latina de Trans en Texas, Southerners on New Ground, Sylvia Rivera Law Project, Trans Latin@ Coalition, Trans Law Center and Trans Lifeline. More comprehensive lists can be found at the Trans Justice Funding Project and Borealis Philanthropy’s Fund for Trans Generations.

Sharing numbers like the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255), the Trevor Project at 866-4-U-TREVOR (866-488-7386) and Trans Lifeline at 877-565-8860 can be immensely helpful for those in crisis.

Share the work of trans activists and journalists

Groups like Lambda Legal, the ACLU and the Transgender Law Center are legal organizations that ofter extensive information about trans rights and policies that affect them. Keep an eye on their social media pages to see if they’re holding events you can take part in or to share their messaging.

Additionally, sharing the work of trans and gender nonconforming journalists helps spread the messaging being put out by the community for the community. Too often, work about the trans community is written by people who are not members of that community ― which can be completely OK, as long as it’s done correctly. This piece in Them does an excellent job of explaining the problem with media organizations not hiring trans reporters to cover trans issues.

Some individuals to follow include Janet Mock, Laverne Cox, Chase Strangio, Tyler Ford, Trace Lysette, Amiyah Scott and Meredith Talusan.


Actual genetic testing for intersex, gnc, and trans people is going to be great because everybody in the workplace is going to shuffle into the break room (”beats workin’” one of the old white guys will say) and we’ll sit down at the plastic lunch tables and management will pass out a little baggie with a tube to spit in and painstakingly go over how to seal it and affix the label. It’s just like drug testing, you did that when we hired you, except you can’t fail! And you get twenty minutes off your workday, right? Great.

I could get lucky at this point. It doesn’t always show up on tests. I wouldn’t say that my body is a fifty-fifty split. But.

Days or weeks later a couple people from management will pull me off the lanes and take me into the nurse’s office. They’ll open the door for me and say “Sorry, buddy, I know this is a hassle” and they’ll say I have to do it again because my sample looked contaminated. (I did like a 23andMe thing once and they kept telling me they thought my sample must have gotten mixed with some else’s – it’s probably just the way these labs work, the checking process for your sample is probably automated.) But I’ll grunt and say “it’s fine” and sit in a chair and spit into another tube while they stare at me. I might have to repeat the process until they figure out I used to be twins, a boy twin and a girl twin, and my genetics reflect that. (”Oh wow I didn’t know that about you,” will the manager say, trying really hard to make encouraging small talk.)  

Then I’ll find out that there’s some problem with my paycheck or the ID reader thing won’t let me clock in and I’ll go to the HR desk and spend like ten minutes being bored in line while the people in front of me figure out their parking passes or lost passwords and they say there’s some red tape I have to jump through about my gender, it’s not a big deal, you just have to go get a doctor to sign off on – (awkward pause) – on one or another before I go back to work, it’s a federal regulation thing. I’ll irritably play a lot of phone tag trying to make sure I don’t use my UPT (unpaid time off) hours while I can’t work, and then go to the health center the next town over where I used to get my fillings done. The 21-year-old receptionist will give me kind of a pained look when she calls me to the front and I’ll try to act casual for her sake, or maybe I’ll feel defiant and show her I’m uncomfortable and annoyed just to make her feel bad, because she’s the closest approximate thing to a target. (although I won’t, because I’m too old for that and it’s not her fault). The doctor will give me a tight smile and say “Sorry, I know this is invasive.” Then I’ll go home and bitch about it on Tumblr. 

I don’t know exactly what happens next, maybe I’ll lose my job and the state will give me a letter saying that owing to United States regulation they can’t offer Medicaid to (they’ll phrase it in the most neutral possible way, like “those with a gender or sex ambiguity“ – you know, they’re trying to make it sound like they’re still progressive and their hands are tied, all saying that gender and sex are different), and then I’ll bitch about that on Tumblr too, but whatever, I managed bipolar for so long when I was undiagnosed, I don’t need to afford my meds. 

That’s about as far as my imagination goes, but even if they decided to straight-up euthanize me it’s going to be boring, and there’ll be a lot of papers to sign and a lot of shuffling around near plastic tables under fluorescent lights, and it’s not going to feel dramatic and it’s not going to feel like something with a clear way to fight. Jackbooted thugs who I can heroically punch or physically escape from will probably not show up at my house in the middle of the night (and if they do I’d really be fucked, but at least I’d get an adrenaline rush out of it).

I dunno, it might come from being a Slav and knowing people who lived under Communism, but I see the future and not only are we all going to lose our rights and die, it’s going to be slow, boring, and really fucking annoying, and because of that it’ll creep up on us. 

Of course, the upside of this is that the change we want will creep up on them too. You vote, your friends vote, Republicans lose the majority. You vote (vote, goddamn you) in local elections and get better quality candidates if you don’t like the ones we got. Donation posts go around Tumblr and we can gofundme crack teams of immigration lawyers. (Also, check Charity [Navigator] for charities that work with refugees and immigrants.) (While you’re at it, here are [some] LGBT charities too, including one for intersex rights and those supporting LGBT immigrants and asylum seekers.) The ways that you can help are also not dramatic. When they come you have to notice them.

They are also vulnerable to a death by a thousand cuts. Don’t forget that. 





The Trump Administration is planning to change the legal definition of sex to- “male or female, unchangeable, Unless by genetic testing.” Aka, trans people would be completely erased. They would have no rights towards discrimination, changing their gender, or even presenting as trans in general. If you aren’t planning to vote or you’re on the fence, PLEASE, for the love of god, get out and vote. We have to protect our community.

Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/21/us/politics/transgender-trump-administration-sex-definition.html#click=https://t.co/a8lnfNH07k

I’m not political on this blog. But guess what? this isn’t only politics. 

This is my life. 

This is some of your lives!


If you are over 18 VOTE. 

If you are against voting and don’t care if this gets passed UNFOLLOW ME.


…and intersex activists have only recently made headway at the state level, in some parts of the U.S., in winning X as a legal biological-sex marker option on such official documents as birth certificates, state ID, driver’s licenses, passports, etc.

This would erase so many people fighting for recognition.

Please do the thing. Make sure you’re registered and VOTE.



They sent pipe bombs to Obama, Clinton, CNN, and a major Democratic donor. They marched through the streets chanting “Jews will not replace us.” They jailed and brutalized and outright killed Black protesters. They ran a woman down with a car for protesting their hateful rhetoric.

They threatened from the start to resort to violence if they didn’t get their way, and then got their way…and resorted to violence anyway. They are the purveyors of a body of politics that sees most of us as subhuman and undeserving of life, and actively works toward our destruction.

Remember that during this election.

This is not a matter of choosing the “lesser evil”. This is flawed politicians vs. actual fucking terrorists. This is human failings vs. inhumanity. This is not being progressive enough vs. silencing the opposition with violence.

No fucking contest. Get out and vote.

It was a terrorist attempt on several people, including two previous presidents. And our current president decided that the best thing to do tonight would be to hold a political rally.

You have to vote. Lives are on the fucking line here.