Review of the book Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes by Cody O’Brien.








To sum up this book in a single sentence – “What would happen is Deadpool wrote a mythology book.”

Yeah, this guy-


Wrote a book. Here are some examples of why I think this.


The Greek creation myth.


The story of Hephaestus god of Blacksmithing and Aphrodite Goddess of Love.


The story of the Minotaur. 



Norse creation myth.


Odin orders Loki to steal Freyja’s necklace. He does. This is so in character for both of them Freyja instantly knows who to blame.  



Ra gets mad at humanity and creates Sekhmet Lion Goddess of Killing Stuff. 


How Isis retrieves her huband’s coffin from the support pillar it got stuck inside.




How to try and kill the god Zipacna and fail. 



How God made Eve from Adam’s rib. 


The story of how King Solomon judges proper maternal instinct. 



Men ask Shiva to stop Kali’s murder rampage.


And this is how he does it. 



The Goddess Izanami gives birth to the whole island of Japan. 


A story about Tanuki.



Creation myth



Creation myth


The Epic of Gilgamesh: Being born


The Epic of Gilgamesh: Meeting his best friend.




Do I really need to explain why I feel the Merc with a mouth was involved in the retelling here?

I have this book. I’ve read it about ten times and I love it.


This guy has a whole website

It’s called Better Myths, and it is a GIFT

I need this book!

@infernoking @d20-darling @askkakuro @thefingerfuckingfemalefury @windows-operating-system

The norse myth thing is 1000000% in character.











Sometimes I just start singing and my mom joins in


#don’t trust this
#they’re probably sirens

These two are singing “O magnum mysterium” by Tomas Luis De Victoria! It’s a very pretty piece from the renaissance that has a lot of different voice parts singing totally different melodies that mesh well together. I sung tenor for a song of his as well. It sounds ethereal in cathedrals and bathrooms alike my opinion. Its the room’s ability to bounce sound and make it resonate, giving it it’s “mermaid siren” like quality. It sounds great. Congratulations, you both! Sounds very pretty and seems like a fun time to clean with things like that.

yes its back on my dash

god lol

I always reblog the bathroom sirens ❤ 

The bathroom sirens.

I was uncontrollably hype when I recognized this song in chorus the other week.

If this is how sirens sound I’d surely die because I’d approach these beautiful voices.



This is who Stiles really is.

Not the snarking, not the spazzing, not the flailing.

Well, not just that.

What he really is… is this incredible thinker, this incredible planner, a tactician that you goddamn well need on your pack team if you have any intention of winning.

He’s perceptive in the extreme, canny as a canny thing, and arguably more intelligent, in real-world situations, than Lydia the genius is. Lydia couldn’t figure out what supernatural hell was breaking loose all around (and within) her, despite being given all the clues – but Stiles? Not only worked out what was up with Scott almost instantaneously, but also figured out what to do about it. Again, almost instantaneously.

And it’s not just because Scott’s his best friend. Jackson is Danny’s best friend, but Danny has thus far managed to stay willfully ignorant of the weird shit going down in Jackson’s life and in the entire town. I mean, I love Danny, but seriously, dude? The guy you grow up with is turning into a GIANT MUTANT LIZARD. That kills people. And you haven’t noticed anything? And Lydia, sweetheart, the guy you’ve been in love with and that you’ve dated is turning into a giant lizard, and you haven’t noticed anything?

Stiles isn’t oblivious. About anything.

He keeps his eyes open. More importantly, he keeps his mind open.

He does his research. He covers his bases. He thinks.

He figures it all out.

He has the deepest focus and strongest will of anyone on the show.

That’s why Deaton gives him that job, the job of willing the dust to work.

Stiles is the only one with that insurmountable will.

And that will is what we see, in this picture, coupled with his intelligence.

That’s who he is.

That’s why Peter wanted him so desperately.

That’s why Peter respected him enough to offer the bite.

And when a guy like Peter respects someone? You’d better believe there’s something worth respecting.

I’m just waiting for everyone else to clue in and realize what an asset Stiles is – especially Derek – but one of the things that makes Stiles so effective, as a tactical wildcard, is the fact that so few people know how important he is.

Sometimes, I even find myself thinking that he’s planned it that way.

When an opposing pack (or a hunter) targets Derek and Scott, they’ll take out those people that they see as posing the greatest threat. Stiles is the sort of person most of them would ignore – this dorky little kid in a plaid shirt, uncoordinated and awkward, overly fond of junk food and unattainable girls. Just your average Joe, right?


Stiles keeps the people he loves safe, in part by appearing to be innocuous. He’s the stealth security system. The hidden booby-trap. The silent tripwire. The quiet landmine. (I’m running out of metaphors, here.)

He’s the threat you don’t take into account, when you go after Derek’s pack.

You can plan for Scott, for Boyd and Isaac and Erica. You can even fight them, in the sort of conventional warfare that they’re capable of. (And that’s all they’re capable of. Being conventional.)

Stiles, though? Is anything but conventional.

He’ll make fucking Molotovs in a school lab. He’ll bribe a hacker with the shirtlessness of a hot cousin. He’ll find out how to categorize you and how to take you down. He’ll research the hell out of you. He’ll have contingency plans. He’ll sneak into police stations. He’ll collude with ex-cons. He’ll make sure that people are where they need to be.

And all the while, you’ll be aiming for the more obvious threats, the ones with fangs and fur and claws.

And that’s why you won’t be able to get to the more obvious threats. Because, while you’re focused on them, Stiles will be focused on you.

You’ll never know what hit you.

And, ironically enough, neither will they.

The people Stiles saved.

That’s who Stiles is. Stealth-Ninja of Awesome.

He does the work, but doesn’t get the credit for it, because he doesn’t set out to get credit for it. Not only because he’s selfless (which he is), but because he’s clever. He knows it’s better to stay under the radar. You can’t nuke a goddamn submarine if you don’t know where it is.

Stiles for the win, people. Stiles for the win.









A good thread on whether “queer” is a slur and if it should be used or not.

“If I am unashamed of being queer, you do not get to give that word BACK to the fuckwits who made it a slur.”

you do not get to give that word BACK to the fuckwits who made it a slur


Holy motherfucking shit. Don’t fucking come at me about Queer is a slur. I FUCKING KNOW IT IS. It was hurled at me like a fucking spear all through my youth. I know it’s a god damn slur. And it’s mine. You don’t get to take it away from me because you can’t take also away the scars it gave me while I was standing in front of my younger queer siblings in this community. 

always, always reblog this one.

If my enemy swings a sword at me and I take that sword away from them, it’s my sword now. And the person telling me I can’t use it because it belongs to my enemy and I have to give it back to them sounds quite a bit like an enemy themselves.

^^ god that analogy


Vilifying the word “queer” is a way of erasing certain identities within the queer community; it is not a rational or valid complaint against the word itself. Because if it were rational, its opposers would also be vilifying practically every other word by which we have ever called ourselves, as almost all of those words have been previously used to oppress us.

No community that deploys such exclusionary tactics against its own has ever survived. We cannot afford to start now.









I made a difference in the world!


I’ve seen a bunch of people in the notes concerned (like I was) of comparisons of members of the lgbt to dogs: but upon visiting their website I was reassured that they monitor a variety of content, including (but not limited to):


Yeah, this site is literally so people can check for content they don’t want to see…or in some cases content that would make them physically or mentally ill. (I have strobe issues myself…)

It’s highly useful for a lot of people.

I had no idea they warned for strobe effects, that’s awesome! They give me headaches and nausea.

Link for those unfamiliar:

They frequently add more categories, it seems – there have been more added just about every time I’ve visited the site. And they’re clearly open to suggestions, as the twitter exchange in the OP shows 😀

If anyone has the very specific fear when it comes to something happening to eyes, DoesTheDogDie has that too!

I love this site.











I wish that ao3 had an option to filter warnings (and tbh certain authors) out like I will never ever want to read it and just seeing it puts me off so much that often I end up closing my browser because that content upsets me so much lmao

There is a way to do this but I can’t recall how to do it. it’s something you type into the box for “other filters” or something, I don’t remember. who knows??

It’s not a great option, and I don’t know if you can sort out authors that way, but it’s better than nothing if someone can reblog this with how to do it!

Alrighty friends! It takes some specificity, but you can do this. Let me show you how!

So I started with going to the Sherlock (TV) section of Ao3. On the right we find this lovely section! ((I know I’m going over things you already probably know, but I figure this post may go to new Ao3 users, so bear with me.))

Underneath this, I chose sort by Kudos, because that’s a quick way to find most popular fics, for the sake of this demonstration. 

With those filters on, we end up with this being our first two results: 

As you can see, we have Nature and Nurture by earlgreytea68, and The Internet Is Not Just For Porn by cyerus. So what if I am utterly sick of seeing earlgreytea68 on my list? Let’s pretend I’ve read all their fics, or that I just don’t like her, or whatever. I want this author out. I go to this section on the right: 

In “Search within results” I type earlgreytea68 into the bar, with a minus sign in front. This gives me the following page, upon hitting the sort and filter button:

There goes earlgreytea68! But now I’ve decided that Crack is just not my thing, I’m sick of that, too, for heaven’s sake, I want something reasonable in my gay slash fanfiction about detectives that solve crimes about glowing dogs and irish megalomaniacs. Heaven forbid this get ridiculous.

Well, then I add this to my search:

Which gets rid of everything with that tag. My results are now:

Performance in a Leading Role is now my first result!

You can do this as many times as you want; the biggest problem I have is trying to filter out multi-worded tags. For example, “Secret Relationship” is hard to filter. Better to go with authors you dislike or with words like “DubCon”. 

I hope this helps! Also remember that googling and then adding search terms will mean google searches Ao3 for you, and sometimes that works far better. 

Good luck!

An excellent in-depth guide! Thank you!!

omg changed my whole ao3 rarepair game

An excellent guide to filtering on AO3!

You can filter out phrases by enclosing them in quotes. For example, if ABO and Hydra Trash Party are not your things, try:

-“alpha/beta/omega dynamics” -”hydra trash party”

I have more advice!

Say, you’re in your random fandom- I went with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, since I’ve been reading Iron Man stuff recently. Tony Stark is awesome.

But anyway, you’re on the page, and you see that there are 174,774 works! That is way too many for a casual afternoon’s browsing.

And you see that the first one is Peter Parker/Tony Stark and that is not your jam. It doesn’t work for you, or it squicks you, whatever. Wouldn’t life be easier if you could browse without seeing that pairing (or whatever pairing you don’t like)? You can!

First, click on that pairing tag(You may want to open this in another tab, actually.):

and it’ll take you to the page for that pairing tag. Click this button:

and then look at the address bar! The actual page is unimportant. Copy the numbers located here:

and go back to the original search page! Down on the side, in the same place you can get rid of other tags, type -relationship_ids:”the number you just copied”

Then hit ‘sort and filter’ annnd… magic!

The fics with that pairing are gone! You can also do multiple pairings, get rid of any tags you don’t like, and sort it by date or length or kudos, or whatever.


I’d just like to add that these sorts of search modifiers ALSO WORK IN GOOGLE AND MOST RESEARCH DATABASES.

The more you know.

good info for my sweet ygo family

Jolly good,it came back on my dash again















i swear to god, men raising their voice is the most terrifying thing in the whole world. they dont understand, like its an immediate panic response, game over

I actually had no idea women found this so scary

my downstairs neighbors fight on a regular basis, and every time he starts yelling i’m a little afraid he’s going to kill her. i have no reason to think this except that he is a man and he is angry

My math teacher has a loud voice and a temper and he scares the living shit out of me almost everyday. He’s made me and other kids cry more than once and he and his teacher buddies make a joke out of terrifying students.

this was women in general? i knew my gf didn’t like it but I was unaware if this affected most women

Yes, it does

As a woman, I had no idea it effected other women like this. I was too afraid to even talk about it. I thought I was weak. Thanks for bringing attention to this.

My dad thinks it’s funny that I used to cry when he raised his voice. I freak out whenever some one does. Once my director did, and I started crying I couldn’t stop. I’m glad to see I’m not alone…

This is so important– seeing how common this is– and I also want you all to know that this is not normal. It isn’t something instinctively ingrained into women, to be afraid of men. There is no natural state of men being a threat that women constantly have to be afraid of. This is cultural. So many women and girls here have a mutual understanding of this feeling, and I think it really shows an unsettling truth about our society, particularly about how men are raised to act and how so many women have this defensive reaction gradually develop. It’s so important that these people have their voices heard, because it teaches us about problems that we just can’t deny the existence of any longer.

I’m glad I’m not the only one

My fellow men, pay attention. I didn’t realize how scary this could be until one of my exes explained it to me, and it’s heartbreaking.

Also, when we move too much during an argument, or lean forward, it’s scary, and I never knew. I was even a little insulted at first, because surely she didn’t think I would hurt her. But see, that doesn’t matter. It wasn’t a sign that she mistrusted me specifically; it’s a conditioned response. (Although if you keep doing it once you realize it scares her, she SHOULDN’T trust you.)

Not every woman has been physically harmed by a man she trusted, but every woman KNOWS a woman who has.

I used to be horrible about this, because I didn’t realize how intimidating it was. I didn’t understand why the woman I was with clammed up or tried to tell me what she thought I wanted to hear, and I only got angrier, and acted even more like an asshole. It was wrong. It was abusive. It didn’t matter if I INTENDED it that way; it was still emotionally abusive. And it was inexcusable.

I get that when passions are high, and when you’re frustrated, it’s a natural tendency to let your voice get louder, to shout and gesture and lean forward. But you can train yourself to do better. You can train yourself to keep more of an even tone, to refrain from large and fast gestures, to not lean into her personal space. I did. I’m not perfect at it yet, but goddamn it, I WILL be.

Don’t tell me it’s too hard, that you just can’t do it, or that you “shouldn’t have to.” I’m 53 years old and just now getting the hang of it, and if this old dog can learn something new, so can you.

Note to guys: It really, REALLY doesn’t matter if you’re thinking, “but I would never…”

History is littered with the bodies of women who believed a man “would never.” This includes women killed by men who honestly, deeply, truly believed they “would never”… right up until she said that one thing or moved in just that way and he just got so mad, just that once, and pushed her or punched her or slashed her or shot her… just once, y’know, to shut her up, or because she was flinching and didn’t she know that HE’S NOT LIKE THAT and I’LL TEACH HER TO BE AFRAID OF ME…

We are trained, from infancy, that Men With Loud Voices are a source of pain from which we cannot escape, and attempts to escape may result in more pain. And as soon as we’re old enough to comprehend a world broader than our immediate circle, a world that extends into the past and will run into the future, we realize that there is no way, no way at all, to tell which men “would never” and which men “would never… except if.”

We live or die on that “if.” And any man who doesn’t like facing that hyper-vigilance can work on fixing OTHER MEN, not women’s fear.

The reaction shouldn’t be “not all men are like that;” it should be “no woman should have to live in fear.”

It’s telling that so many people will hear a story of long-term abuse and say, “why did she stay with him?” and not “why did he treat her like that?”

This made me cry.

Don’t skip over this.