

Something like that…

Freaking love this scene. Really begs the question of just how strong Peter was before the fire/alpha/death/resurrection fiasco, and how much stronger he is now…. 

For one, he survived the fire. Out of Laura, Derek, and Cora, he was the only one who actually got caught in the blaze, and had to be hospitalized. Meanwhile all the other beta wolves stuck in the house didn’t make it. Granted, it put him out of commission for 6 years, but Peter was strong enough or fortunate enough to survive something like that.


Also, as an Alpha he was able to turn at least partially into a real wolf, an ability only Talia and Laura possessed (and Derek got it waaaaay later, off some b.s. S04 Kate mumbo jumbo). Even though he was more than half out of his mind, he still managed to pull that off. (And personally Peter’s alpha form is my favorite; it’s the only authentic/classic werewolf form on this whole stupid show.)


After that, he is the only character on this show to have died and deliberately orchestrated a way to make himself come back from the dead. Everyone else either wasn’t really dead or “evolved” or had weird longevity powers or whatever.


He fought off Berserkers and tore The Mute Man to freaking shreds, even though the guy was some bio-engineered special ops assassin. Then Peter commenced to nearly dishragging Scott’s True Alpha fuzzy butt, even though he was supposedly a still-recovering Omega werewolf with no pack.


Despite being burned alive for the third time in a freaking row and being erased twice, Peter came back just fine, kicking the tar out of the Ghost Riders. 


What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger…..

Something tells me that in 6B there will be a final reckoning with Peter and Scott, as well as possibly one with Peter and Kate – unless Derek’s got that covered. (Biting my nails hoping Peter and Chris don’t fight again, over that whole sewer scene.) I just need this show to make up its mind already on whether or not Peter is a reluctant ally/ally-adjacent, antihero, heel/turn, main foil, or full-blown villain.

Honestly, I want him to become an Alpha again and take care of the remaining Hales and be a good uncle.