
[Image description: a screenshot of a Tumblr post written by sorryimessedupagain reading: 

“I spent three weeks in a mental hospital and what I discovered there I feel like should be put into words. We are not who you think we are. The boy with Tourette’s told the funniest jokes. The girl who raked her nails up and down her skin could create the most exquisite drawings. The girl who abused drugs had the wisest soul. The boy with schizophrenia had the biggest heart. The girl who tried to kill herself told the boy with insomnia stories to help lure him to sleep. The boy who wanted to kill himself had the deepest passion for cooking. The girl with slits and scars all over her body dried my tears and told me I was beautiful. The boy with anger issues gave the warmest hugs. The girl with bulemia told everyone every day that they looked beautiful in their bodies. The boy who was a compulsive liar told us that he wanted us all to get better, and that he was for once telling the truth. The girl who almost drank herself to death stood up for anyone who felt that they were being bullied. The boy with social anxiety made sure nobody sat alone at meals. 

We are not who you think we are.” end image description] 


To any and all disabled people, sick people, people with illnesses, spoonies, people who spend a lot of time in doctors and/or hospitals, or anyone else at all that can relate,

Your body is your own. It’s your body.

And I know that you feel like it’s not your body because you can’t control it sometimes and other people sometimes control it instead and sometimes people think they know better than you about your body and you can’t choose how much you show people sometimes and you can’t choose what people know and don’t know sometimes… and everything… but it’s your body.

It sucks I know and I can’t promise it will get better but it is your body. You’re in charge of your body, when you can be at least. I know you wish things were different sometimes and that you wish you had more control over your body.

But as long as your disability or health does not prohibit you from doing so, because it’s your body, you can

Get piercings

Get tattoos

Dye your hair

Wear different clothes

Have your hair cut or styled

Draw on yourself

Paint your nails

(Similarly, feel free to style up those mobility aids. These are also, in a way, part of you, if you want to think of them as such.)

Because it’s your body. It really is, even when it doesn’t feel like it.

Also, if someone outside of a medical environment wants to know “WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?” You do not have to answer. You are in no obligation to tell them. You don’t have to educate people’s children if you don’t want to. You don’t have to inform anyone at all if you don’t want to. You don’t owe them anything, and it’s none of their business, because it is your body.

Lack of progress on climate change is putting Canadians’ health at risk, doctors say


A new report from one of the world’s most prestigious medical journals says Canada’s failure to cut greenhouse-gas emissions isn’t just killing the planet; it’s killing Canadians.

The report on the health impacts of climate change, published Wednesday in The Lancet, concludes that successfully tackling climate change would be the single biggest thing governments can do to improve human health this century.

Chronic exposure to air pollution from greenhouse-gas-emitting activities is contributing to the deaths of an estimated 7,142 Canadians a year, and 2.1 million people worldwide, the report said.

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Lack of progress on climate change is putting Canadians’ health at risk, doctors say










Imma just let this sit here






They turned RNA into an anti-virus program. That is amazing.

Let me restate this in case it didn’t sink in the first time

Researchers physically DELETED ALL TRACES of the HIV virus from a human cell.



Shortage of antidepressant ‘in a class all on its own’ alarms patients with mental illnesses


A countrywide shortage of a common antidepressant medication has caused alarm among doctors, pharmacists and patients with mental illnesses.

Nearly a dozen pharmacies in Saskatoon and Regina have told CBC News that they have run out of bupropion— both the brand-name product Wellbutrin and its generic counterparts  — and can’t get more from their suppliers.

More than 12,000 patients in Saskatchewan take bupropion, according to the Ministry of Health. National figures are not readily available.

The prescription antidepressant is used to treat major depressive disorder and seasonal affective disorder.

“This might have been the drug that gave you the energy to live your life, do the things you needed to do, get on with your job, do your studies,” Dr. Sara Dungavell, a Saskatoon psychiatrist, said.

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Shortage of antidepressant ‘in a class all on its own’ alarms patients with mental illnesses

Humans produce new brain cells throughout their lives, say researchers



Humans continue to produce new neurons in a part of their brain involved in learning, memory and emotion throughout adulthood, scientists have revealed, countering previous theories that production stopped after adolescence. The findings could help in developing treatments for neurological conditions such as dementia.

Humans produce new brain cells throughout their lives, say researchers