
“Donkey Nannies” carry newborn lambs from high pastures to the plains who are unable to make the journey on their own. They are taken down at rest stops and returned to their mothers for a bite to eat and a bit of nuzzling.




“I think it’s important to be able to be like, ‘Yes, your shoulders are broad, yes your hands are big and your voice is deep and you’re really tall and people notice you, and that makes you noticeably trans, but that doesn’t make you any less beautiful,’” [Laverne Cox] says. 

“You’re not beautiful despite those things, you’re beautiful because of those things, and [believing] that has to be an active conscious process.”

Trans Is Beautiful: Laverne Cox on the Work of Self-Love via Self 

Wow, TERFs are really angry about this post. Guess it’s a good time to reblog it again. 💜