Brazil’s Indigenous Tribes Are In Danger


So far from what I’ve heard Jair Bolsonaro, the nationalist president elect of Brazil has threatened to take away territory belonging to 900k indigenous people. He’s also threatened to shut down the country’s indigenous affairs department and has been quoted saying “It’s a shame that the Brazilian cavalry wasn’t as efficient as the Americans, who exterminated their Indians.” as well as “If I become president, there will not be one centimeter more of indigenous land.” If this doesn’t sound genocidal…

here, here, and here are some articles explaining more.

It’s pretty evident people don’t seem care about South America and especially its indigenous tribes. Please please please keep an open mind and spread some word around. I don’t have a big active following but a little bit can go along way if people bring awareness to it.

Write to elected officials, someone up there will care. As far as helping with donations you can donate here to Survival International. Their mission is to prevent the annihilation of indigenous tribes. if you guys know of other organizations, maybe local, that can help please add them. 

Brazil’s indigenous people shouldn’t be threatened with violence and persecution while the rest of the word just sits back and watches. Not in this day and age. Please get the word out there.

Examine ‘monstrous’ allegations of forced sterilization of Indigenous women: NDP


The federal government and the provinces must examine “monstrous” allegations of modern-day forced sterilizations of Indigenous women, NDP reconciliation critic Romeo Saganash said Monday before he pressed for answers in the House of Commons.

Coerced sterilization clearly breaches human-rights standards that Canada must fight to uphold, Saganash in an interview Monday, and said that authorities should very carefully read Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide adopted by the UN in 1948.

That international agreement says that “genocide” includes any acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, such as by “imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.”

Canadians should not tolerate allegations of forced sterilization in their country, Saganash said, and Ottawa must address the issue as victims share their stories.

Continue Reading.

Examine ‘monstrous’ allegations of forced sterilization of Indigenous women: NDP


RALLY: Community Not Cops! Divest from Police, Invest in People
Saturday, November 24, 2018 at 2:00 pm
Surrey City Hall, 13450 104 Ave

This event is taking place in Surrey on the unceded territories of the Kwantlen, Qayqayt, Katzie, Kwikwetlem, Semiahmoo, Tsleil-Waututh, Tsawwassen, and Musqueam Nations. 

We’re told the police exist to keep our communities safe, but this story falls apart when we consider the day-to-day activities of police officers. They surveil and harass homeless people, arresting them for survival activities like panhandling. They enforce the catastrophic war on drugs, responsible for countless deaths. And they terrorize racialized and Indigenous communities, profiling and brutalizing young people of colour with impunity.

Crime rates are falling in Surrey and across the country, but police budgets continue to expand. The police and their supporters play on Surrey residents’ fears of gang violence to justify funding increases. But the City of Surrey is already home to the largest RCMP detachment in the country, and the proposed municipal police force will be even bigger. This overwhelming police presence does nothing to address the systemic roots of gang involvement: poverty, racism, and drug prohibition. Instead, the cops profile and criminalize youth of colour, making the situation worse.

Massive funding for police comes at the expense of social programs and resources, like community centres and youth programs, which could actually address some of the root causes of violence in our communities. By divesting from the police, we can invest in real community solutions. It is up to us to decide what form those solutions take.

ANTI-POLICE POWER SURREY is new organization that formed to push back against the relentless expansion of police power and call for the City of Surrey to divest from the police and invest in the people. Anti-Police Power Surrey is supported by Alliance Against Displacement. 

Instagram @AntiPolicePower | Facebook | Twitter Website Youtube | Email

Artwork by Art_Twink


No matter what happens:

Key West elected Teri Johnston, Florida’s first openly lesbian mayor


New York elected Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the youngest woman ever elected to Congress


Colorado elected Jared Polis, the first openly gay governor in the US


Minnesota elected Ilhan Omar, the first Muslim woman (alongside Rashida Tlaib) and the first Somali-American woman elected to Congress


Massachusetts elected Ayanna Pressley, the first black woman elected to Congress in Massachusetts


Kansas elected Sharice Davids, an openly gay ex-MMA fighter and one of the first Native American women (alongside Deb Haaland) elected to Congress


Michigan elected Rashida Tlaib, the first Palestinian-American (and first Muslim woman, alongside Ilhan Omar) elected to Congress


Kentucky elected Nima Kulkarni, the first Indian-American elected to Kentucky House of Representatives


New Mexico elected Deb Haaland, one of the first Native American women (alongside Sharice Davids) elected to Congress


New Hampshire elected Chris Pappas, the first openly gay member of Congress from New Hampshire


Florida elected Anna Eskamani, the first Iranian-American state lawmaker in Florida

And for the first time ever, over 100 women have been elected to the House of Representatives.

Representation matters. Diversity matters. This is progress.  

(As of 11/6/18 – 11:23 CT)

Indigenous women still being coerced into sterilizations across Canada, Ontario senator says


When she was 17 years old, Liz was
coerced by a Children’s Aid worker into having an abortion and being
sterilized at a northwestern Ontario hospital, she says — an experience
she’s carried for 40 years.

“It was a
matter of me almost (being) cornered, if you will, by my worker at the
time saying, ‘You better have an abortion because if you don’t, either
way, we are going to take that child from you’,” Liz says.

research shows the forced sterilization of Indigenous women is not just
a shameful part of Canadian history. Reports from Alberta,
Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and the territories suggest it is still

ligations carried out on unwilling Indigenous women is one of the “most
heinous” practices in health care happening across Canada, says Yvonne
Boyer, a Metis lawyer and former nurse who is now a senator for Ontario.

Indigenous women still being coerced into sterilizations across Canada, Ontario senator says

The deadliest sniper of WWI was Francis Pegahmagabow, an Ojibwa soldier


In the bloodshed and chaos that is the battlefields of the First World War, hundreds of thousands of young Canadian men sign up to fight for their country overseas — but there’s one who sticks out from the crowd. His bravery and fearlessness are legendary. His fellow soldiers call him Peggy.

Continue Reading.

The deadliest sniper of WWI was Francis Pegahmagabow, an Ojibwa soldier


Ancient village discovered in Canada is 10,000 years older than the pyramids.

The discovery of a 14,000-year-old ancient village in Canada could forever alter our understanding of early civilization in North America. Researchers estimate the settlement is way older than the Giza pyramids, and have found artifacts dating all the way back to the Ice Age. The village is one of the oldest human settlements we’ve ever uncovered in North America – and lines up with the oral history of the Heiltsuk Nation.

Researchers from the Hakai Institute and University of Victoria, with local First Nations members, unearthed revealing artifacts on Triquet Island, around 310 miles northwest of Victoria, Canada. They’ve found fish hooks, spears, and tools to ignite fires. Thanks to the discovery of the ancient village last year, researchers now think a massive human migration may have happened along British Columbia’s coastline.

Submitted by nathanialroyale.






How on earth would you feed a city of over 200,000 people when the land around you was a swampy lake? Seems like an impossible task, but the Aztec managed it by creating floating gardens known as chinampas, then they farmed them intensively.

These ingenious creations were built up from the lake bed by piling layers of mud, decaying vegetation and reeds. This was a great way of recycling waste from the capital city Tenochtitlan. Each garden was framed and held together by wooden poles bound by reeds and then anchored to the lake floor with finely pruned willow trees. The Aztecs also dredged mud from the base of the canals which both kept the waterways clear and rejuvenate the nutrient levels in the gardens.

A variety of crops were grown, most commonly maize or corn, beans, chillies, squash, tomatoes, edible greens such as quelite and amaranth. Colourful flowers were also grown, essential produce for religious festivals and ceremonies. Each plot was systematically planned, the effective use of seedbeds allowed continuous planting and harvesting of crops.

Between each garden was a canal which enabled canoe transport. Fish and birds populated the water and were an additional source of food. [x]


(Fact Source) For more facts, follow Ultrafacts

This is literally so cool. Not only does it contribute to spacial efficiency, but the canals would easily keep pests, weeds, and possibly even diseases out of the respective plots. Companion planting and bio-intensive planting would be so much easier. Water-wise systems would be inherently present. Plus it looks so super neat aesthetically. I am just all about this.

Indigenous civilizations invented sustainable development way before there was a term for it.

There are places in Mexico where this is still practiced today! There is also a chef who is helping to keep the practice alive by partnering with people who still do this for ingredients for his cuisine in his upscale restaurant.

This technique is starting to pop up in homesteads and backyard gardens, too, with the rise of permaculture’s popularity. (Honestly it really makes me wish I had a lake in my yard.) It’s basically aquaponics minus the tank–the fish and decaying vegitation in the water produce nitrogen and trace minerals for the plants, thus drastically reducing the need to fertilize your crops (and obviously completely eliminating the need to irrigate); and the crops’ roots filter the water, keep it free of algal bloom, and provide food and shelter for the fish. The people, meanwhile, eat the crops and the fish while creating minimum impact on the natural environment.

Truth vs. Twilight





In collaboration with the Quileute Tribe, this site seeks to inform Twilight fans, parents, teachers, and others about the real Quileute culture, which indeed has a wolf origin story, a historic relationship with the wolf as demonstrated in songs, stories, and various art forms, as well as a modern, multi-dimensional community with a sophisticated governance system. We also hope to offer a counter narrative to The Twilight Saga’s stereotypical representations of race, class, and gender, and offer resources for a more meaningful understanding of Native American life and cultures.


This is the most beautiful thing I’ve laid eyes on today

Look at the straight white man spouting his progressive puritanism. No better than the Berniecrats that voted for Trump. The Conservative “bogeyman” won’t hurt you, will they? They’ll just hurt everyone else. The people that are actually low-income and need help, LGBT+ people who the Tories would gladly shove back into the closet along with women’s rights. The worst the Tories will do to you is enact economic policy you don’t care for. It’s life or death for the actually vulnerable like us.





*screams into the void*




Canada has 3 viable political parties who regularly elects dozens of elected representatives. Your case would only make sense if the NDP was some fringe party like in the USA with less than 5% support who never elects anyone.

The reality is different. The reality is that in recent years the NDP has elected between 44 and 103 seats.

The reality is that the NDP is currently in power in two provinces, representing millions of people.

As I have said over and over again, the NDP merely needs about 10% support to form government. This would require only 1 in 3 Liberals voting for the NDP.

Is that really where you’re going to draw a line in the sand: 

Vote for things to never ever improve? Are you seriously ok with that?

With Indigenous rights being routinely violated because at least its not the Conservatives. Of the Liberals blatantly lying and giving up most of their major promises because hey at least its not the Conservatives. The Liberals making a mockery of environmental policies, because hey Andrew Scheer would totally be worse!

If you keep voting Liberal you will never get pharmacare. You will never get tuition prices cut. You will never get interest on student loans eliminated. You never get dental coverage. You will never get electoral reform. You will never get the gay blood ban removed. You will never get real action taken on poverty. You will never get real action taken on climate change. You will never get a chance for Canada to get out of building oil pipelines. You will never get the rich to pay their fair share. You will never get corporations to pay their fair share.

I refuse to be scared of the Conservatives. I will not put my values up for sale just to appease someone who is worse.

I’m tired of strategic voting. I’m tired of voting for someone who while not as bad as the Conservatives will still carry over many of the same policies of the Conservatives, including austerity and privatization.

And guess what? These neoliberal policies hurt the most marginalized in our society the most; the poor, LGBTQ people, people of colour, disabled people.

And these policies are going to come regardless of whether we vote Liberal or Conservative. All you’re voting for is the speed in which your rights are violated and the speed of which social programs are cut to reward big businesses.

Don’t believe me? Read this article on how the Ontario Liberals plunged Ontario into 15 years of painful austerity hurting millions of people:

It’s Time We Dispel The Myth Of ‘Progressive’ Liberalism In Ontario

as an Indigenous woman, anon can go soak their head. Liberal Indigenous policy is actively harmful, and if they support it, they’re not protecting the vulnerable. they’re complicit.

Wtf is this ask even…Liberals can and are equally as harmful for many severely oppressed minorities as Tories are. Some of their policies are the EXACT same and there are many social policies they are willing to throw away to not upset Tories. What reality does this person live in? Christ almighty.

the erasure of all non-white people with this line of thinking is fucking ridiculous lmao like yes you got us, white dudes are just progressive purists who would rather everyone else suffer so long as we get to vote our conscience!!! there’s definitely no POC that want more leftist policies implemented federally or provincially!! fuck out of here