
This still image was created by a Japanese neurology professor Yamamoto, and he told the instructions below:
If its not moving, or just moving a little, you are healthy and has slept well.
If its moving slowly, you are a bit stressed or tired
If its moving continuously, you are over-stressed


Maybe I’m an old man but goddamn, these vampires with blood dripping down their chins–that’s your food!! THAT’S YOUR FOOD!! Close!! Your!! Mouth!! You think some asshole slobbering chicken noodle soup or yogurt or clam chowder all down themselves would be sexy??? What makes you any different, you sticky-stained slackjawed screwball??? Close your mouth!! Use a napkin!! And for godssakes stop looking so smug, like, “Oooo, I’m a creature of the night look at what sustains me” yeah uh huh a fucking lack of basic hygiene is what I’m seeing and it is not impressive!! At all!! My nephews are three years old and they drool less than you do!! You’re how many centuries old?!?! ACT LIKE IT

You write like Stephen King – I Write Like






I saw this in a reblog from @omgitsthatgingergirl​ and I’m ridiculous, so I totally tried it immediately. I entered the following:

Cas stopped again. He rolled his head and raised his arms partway in a gesture of complete exasperation.

Dean noticed his wings mirrored the arm gesture exactly. They also arched a bit and seemed to bristle. It looked shockingly Cas-like and it occurred to Dean that those weren’t just things growing out of Cas’s back. Those wings actually were Cas – the real Cas – perfectly expressing the same defensive fury and shitty attitude currently coming from the angel’s vessel. Dean knew he’d think it was really cool if his friend weren’t being such a dick.

“IF…there were something I needed to tell you, I would tell you. There isn’t. I’m fine. Now can we please get inside before someone or something spots us?”

Dean sighed in disgust and shook his head. “Yeah. You’re fine. Got it.” He spat the words out, more frustrated with the angel than he had been in a very long time. He was the one to restart their march toward the bunker. His stride was just as fast and angry as Cas’s had been.

And the algorithm, which I’m sure is rigorous and scientific and highly objective, said “You write like Stephen King” And I’m totally claiming it. This is mine, now. I write like a fabulously successful professional writer! Fight me!

@all of my writer friends  Do it. Tell me what you get!

LOL Ok, I’m putting excerpt after excerpt of my writing into this thing and it’s coming up as Stephen King every damned time. This is hilarious. And I’m starting to get a little paranoid, like…what the fuck is it about my writing that makes this thing say I write like Stephen King? I mean, other than I generally swear in my writing…

Huh… ok, I’m gonna try a few and make sure there’s no cursing. And then I’m gonna try some with zero dialog. Brb…

So…apparently this thing is convinced that I actually AM Stephen King and that i’m just fucking with it. I put at least 10 more excerpts of my writing in, and I tried to use somewhat varied selections – different scene tones; with and without dialog; with and without cursing. All of them came back as Stephen King, except one: I chose a particularly clunky, choppy section that I know I didn’t polish enough and it came back with Dan Brown. Which, ya know…not to be an asshole, but…that’s pretty accurate. Sorry, Dan. It didn’t keep me from reading your whole book, so writing style ain’t everything brother. It’s all good. 

It’s highly likely I’m gonna spend at least another hour messing with this thing, because there’s something wrong with me, and my need for validation as a writer is somehow fed even by bullshit like this.

So, yeah…I’m totally tickled right now. 

Ok…last thing and then I’ll shut up, but this was too funny to not share.

I found an excerpt that was written entirely from a very worried and concerned Sam’s POV and it came back with Stephenie Meyer (i.e. author of Twilight)

That is just…lol  Omg…that is delightful. Like…who the hell am I? I’m a blunt horror writer when it’s Dean or Cas, but when it’s Sam, apparently I bust out my inner emo girl. I am dying over here. Send help.

@hazeldomain @omgbubblesomg @rachelhaimowitz @ameliacareful @durenjtmusings @humandumpsterfire @enoliel @winchester-reload @every writer friend I have (forgive me…I am HORRIBLE at remembering who to tag. Know that you are loved and invited to join in, ‘cause I totally wanna hear from ya.)

Agatha Christie for me–I pasted in the first chapter of the Bone Eater.

You write like Stephen King – I Write Like