
notes regarding Jewish textual tradition:

-our sacred texts include more than just the 5 books of the “old testament” 

-we don’t call it the old testament and please don’t call it that unless you’re referring to the christian use of it, when talking about the jewish torah use the term “hebrew scriptures” 

-torah = the 5 first books (genesis exodus leviticus deuteronomy numbers)  + the prophets and the writings (song of songs, psalms, etc)

-there is also Talmud (mishnah and gemara) which is where conversations by rabbis about how Jewish law should work were recorded (mishna) and further commented / debated on (gemara), and the law codes that later simplified and revised the talmud for better practical use (the shulchan aruch and mishne torah), sages’ commentaries on these law texts, and centuries of responsa to them. these texts are where you will find a lot of the rituals, observances, and rules that Jews follow (so for example the kosher laws, when we say what blessings, how we celebrate holidays, etc). so no, we do not participate in “old” testament ritual sacrifice and looking directly in there for how Jews live is a rather fruitless attempt. 

-sometimes the word “torah” can refer to talmud as well, it can refer to any study of holy texts. 

-responses and interpretations of Jewish law and scriptures goes on to this day

-Midrash is another type of important jewish texts which are basically poetic or interperative writings about the things in the torah/talmud/etc, comparable to parables, written by various jewish scholars to think through Jewish thought, history, religion, etc. not seen as binding legal texts but rather ways of thinking through torah/judaism. there are ancient published midrashim as well as modern ones. 

-Basically understand that Jewish textual tradition goes far beyond what you know of the Hebrew scriptures and “Jewish practice is just Christianity without the New Testament” is terribly inaccurate.

-The idea that “Jews just do ancient barbaric Old Testament rituals” is ages old antisemitic slander. 

non Jewish people are ok to reblog this because it is so often misunderstood


Image description: text over the image of an Egyptian hieroglyph of a long haired person pointing to the right. Text says (in all caps) “Worldbuilding tip #19 / When science doesn’t have the answers some turn to the gods. What gods exist in your world and what do they represent?” End description.

My addition: Are the gods *real* in your world? Do they walk among the people? Do they have human-like personalities, or are they alien to us? Are gods super powerful, or weak? Multiple gods? A single god? How do people organize to worship/fight the gods? What are the gods’ goals, and how do they conflict or mesh with the goals of human groups? *Are* there humans, or just some sort of humanoid being?

Hate crimes in Canada jump 47 percent in 2017


Hate crimes in Canada increased 47 percent in 2017, primarily targeting Muslims, Jews and black people, according to figures released by the country’s statistical agency on Thursday.

The biggest increase was in crimes targeting Muslims, Statistics Canada reported, in a year that saw a deadly mass shooting in a Quebec mosque, followed by a government motion to study Islamophobia that itself sparked anti-Muslim sentiment.

Continue Reading.

Hate crimes in Canada jump 47 percent in 2017


No matter what happens:

Key West elected Teri Johnston, Florida’s first openly lesbian mayor


New York elected Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the youngest woman ever elected to Congress


Colorado elected Jared Polis, the first openly gay governor in the US


Minnesota elected Ilhan Omar, the first Muslim woman (alongside Rashida Tlaib) and the first Somali-American woman elected to Congress


Massachusetts elected Ayanna Pressley, the first black woman elected to Congress in Massachusetts


Kansas elected Sharice Davids, an openly gay ex-MMA fighter and one of the first Native American women (alongside Deb Haaland) elected to Congress


Michigan elected Rashida Tlaib, the first Palestinian-American (and first Muslim woman, alongside Ilhan Omar) elected to Congress


Kentucky elected Nima Kulkarni, the first Indian-American elected to Kentucky House of Representatives


New Mexico elected Deb Haaland, one of the first Native American women (alongside Sharice Davids) elected to Congress


New Hampshire elected Chris Pappas, the first openly gay member of Congress from New Hampshire


Florida elected Anna Eskamani, the first Iranian-American state lawmaker in Florida

And for the first time ever, over 100 women have been elected to the House of Representatives.

Representation matters. Diversity matters. This is progress.  

(As of 11/6/18 – 11:23 CT)

Jewish Teenagers Assaulted, Robbed In Toronto Hate Crime: Police


Four teenage Jewish boys wearing religious attire were assaulted and robbed in a hate crime Sunday evening, say police.

The 17-year-old boys were walking in Toronto’s north end wearing kippahs when they passed another group of nine people in their early teens, who made derogatory comments about their religion, according to police. The two groups were unknown to one another.

The group then assaulted two of the boys, “punching and kicking them” and stole a pair of sunglasses from one of the victims, reported police who arrived at the scene at 8 p.m. Officers arrested a 17-year-old whose identity is protected under the Youth Criminal Justice Act.

The Jewish community is “deeply disturbed to learn of this vile assault,” said Noah Shack, GTA vice president of The Centre of Israel and Jewish Affairs in a statement. “Jewish Canadians should never fear wearing their kippah in public.”

Continue Reading.

Jewish Teenagers Assaulted, Robbed In Toronto Hate Crime: Police





To those who have swept or have blown the leaves from the walk, have rinsed the dishes or dusted their screens, Hestia looks on you from beneath her veil. She smiles, then wraps a shawl made of sunlit October air around you.

To those who remain in bed, who are on the edge of crying, who have turned on the tv to drown out the world, Hestia sits on the edge of your bed, patting circles on your back. I know, my love, she says, I know, I know. It can be so hard. My sweet, it’s time to get up. I need you, she says. Let’s make this home a sanctuary. Light a candle. Make your hands to care about this place. Let out the work of love.

I was just here to check out pagan prayers and now I’m tearing up 

That last part, killing me lol, cuz I live in hell right now and it’s so depressing. I needed that. I’m trying. 😦


this is amazing



Since it’s sadly relevant, a PSA for anyone attending a Jewish funeral or visiting a home where they are sitting shiva: no flowers, please. We understand that’s your tradition and won’t be offended, but respecting our traditions is a better gift of care.


From the link: “What You Can Do–Many of you may be wondering how to express condolences to a Jewish friend and what types of sympathy gifts or items are appropriate to send or bring to a shiva according to Jewish customs and traditions. There are many ways to support bereaved friends and loved ones of the Jewish faith who are grieving. During the mourning period, you can provide food and meals, but it may be advisable to first check on the dietary and food requirements of the shiva home and consider sending kosher products if the family is Orthodox. Visiting a shiva (‘making a shiva call’) is another thoughtful gesture. In addition, sending a condolence basket containing fruit, chocolate or nuts, a sympathy card or planting a tree in Israel in memory of the loved one are common ways to show your support.”

Review of the book Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes by Cody O’Brien.








To sum up this book in a single sentence – “What would happen is Deadpool wrote a mythology book.”

Yeah, this guy-


Wrote a book. Here are some examples of why I think this.


The Greek creation myth.


The story of Hephaestus god of Blacksmithing and Aphrodite Goddess of Love.


The story of the Minotaur. 



Norse creation myth.


Odin orders Loki to steal Freyja’s necklace. He does. This is so in character for both of them Freyja instantly knows who to blame.  



Ra gets mad at humanity and creates Sekhmet Lion Goddess of Killing Stuff. 


How Isis retrieves her huband’s coffin from the support pillar it got stuck inside.




How to try and kill the god Zipacna and fail. 



How God made Eve from Adam’s rib. 


The story of how King Solomon judges proper maternal instinct. 



Men ask Shiva to stop Kali’s murder rampage.


And this is how he does it. 



The Goddess Izanami gives birth to the whole island of Japan. 


A story about Tanuki.



Creation myth



Creation myth


The Epic of Gilgamesh: Being born


The Epic of Gilgamesh: Meeting his best friend.




Do I really need to explain why I feel the Merc with a mouth was involved in the retelling here?

I have this book. I’ve read it about ten times and I love it.


This guy has a whole website

It’s called Better Myths, and it is a GIFT

I need this book!

@infernoking @d20-darling @askkakuro @thefingerfuckingfemalefury @windows-operating-system

“Daedalus, who is a fantastic genius inventor with no sense of right and wrong…”

I lost it at that line 😀