



Yooooooo if you need ACA get on that shit!!

For the record? As a self-employed small business owner with a preexisting condition, my pre-ACA health insurace suuuuuuuuucked. My current plan actually provides substantially better coverage than the old one and costs half as much. I only wish I’d done it sooner– getting on the exchange was, tbh, entirely a spite-motivated action on my part, and probably the sole positive impact of 45′s presidency on my life.

Please boost. ACA/Obamacare sign-up for next year ends December 15.

please, help content creators



with tumblr’s no-more-n.sfw purge already going strong, randomly flagging image posts just for containing a colour that resembles bare skin, we gotta have each others’ backs here, folks!!

if you come across posts that have been flagged even tho they are completely PG, let their creators know, please!!

because despite what they are saying, i have yet to receive a single
email notices

from tumblr about the 5 newly flagged posts of mine, and it’s been the same for other artists and gifmakers i’ve contacted since last night after noticing something of their’s had been flagged.

they flag posts, but they do NOT (yet? always? ever?) tell creators about it!

having our creators’ backs is especially important for those who have attached their work to reblogs of already existing post, e.g. creator sees image post that inspires them to write something (fictional or non-fictional)

or create artwork in response to the image, then reblogs original image posts and adds their work in the captions to it -im sorry i cant find better examples right now, but i know response works like the ones link here exist for n.sfw posts as well-, bcos they will never get notified by tumblr since the original posts aren’t their own, but their reblogs containing new works will disappear nevertheless


Heading to Pillowfort, and I’m Offering Keys



Hi, you may or may not know me. I go by Tyramir, and I’m an author. Mostly I write fanfic, but I have also published a book at some point. (Yes, that was a subtle plug – don’t feel obligated to click the links, they’re there to justify to myself why I’m doing this so I can say this wasn’t 100% altruistic because I’m a crusty old troll)

So, recently, Tumblr has made something of an announcement regarding what kind of content they will and will not host in the future. And you know what, that’s okay. It’s their site. They can do what they want. Just like I’m free to say, “Hey, @staff, go fuck yourselves with some sandpaper, you masochistic fucks.”

Ah, that felt good. You know what else feels good? Moving to Pillowfort. I’m in no way associated with them, beyond that I am now a user. I just bought a key. More than one, actually. I bought a whackload of them. I am not rich. See: author. Very poor profession if you’re not ultra-successful. However, what I am is angry, and disappointed with the direction this site is taking. 

This site is home for the marginalised, for the outcasts, for the misfits. It’s also the home for a lot of fellow artists, like myself. Ones that might not have a little extra cash in their wallets. So, as a Christmas gift (and as a way of sharing that link up above advertising my book, see self, you’re not totally altruistic), I’m making this offer.

Reblog and like this post. You don’t have to follow me. You don’t have to buy my book. You don’t have to tell anyone it exists. You don’t even have to click that link. Just like and reblog. Anyone who likes it will get one entry for drawing for a key. Anyone who reblogs it will get one. Anyone who does both will get two. And on December 17th, the Day of Ignominy, I will draw ten names, and I will gift ten keys. I’ll even wear a Willy Wonka hat while I do. You won’t be able to see it, but the spirit will be there.

If you want to get the word out, but don’t want to get an entry (say you already have a Pillowfort account), just reblog and tag the post with “no entry,” or some variation thereof. I’ll exclude you from the draw, but thank you (in my mind, I’m not gonna actually thank people, but that requires effort, yo) for helping others learn about this opportunity.

TL;DR: Bald author wants to use very little cash he has to give people Pillowfort accounts. Just like and reblog for entries. Also, I hope you are feasted upon by a swarm of angry weasels, @staff.

Boosting. This is fantastic, @tyramir.















This is from an ad for gender-neutral baby clothes, btw.


@exerian :  There you go —

Ooh, I know someone with an occupied uterus who would appreciate these! They’re actually really cute!

from now on the only gender is goth

this video has 10,000 notes on tumblr but 1,600 dislikes on youtube. C’mon people! if you love this concept show Celine some love because otherwise her marketing team will think this idea was a failure 

oh hey your tweet is on tumblr now @bright-cactus

Seriously, like this video. She’s got like 900 likes and over 2000 dislikes and the comments are fucked up. She deserves some love. And honestly, if it means I can find cute shorts that are longer than an inch below the crotch for my daughter, I’ll be ecstatic

This is a gender neutral fashion line for kids, and it’s honestly pretty awesome. It’s expensive (as celebrity fashion lines tend to be) but there’s a lot of grey, black, and soft yellow and patterns that I would wear myself tbh.

Link for those to directly go to YouTube:

Wait, am I interpreting this right – the gender-neutral clothing line is FROM Celine Dion, not just using her in an ad?

2018: the year we all stop hating Celine Dion.

wait, people were hating celine dion!?

You’ve never been to Canada, clearly.

No seriously, go like the video, it’s got 5k DISLIKES at this point and that is ridiculous. (Don’t read the comments if you’re having a brain weasels day, it’s horrific.) Support gender-neutral lines of clothing even if you still don’t like Celine, mkay?

Brazil’s Indigenous Tribes Are In Danger


So far from what I’ve heard Jair Bolsonaro, the nationalist president elect of Brazil has threatened to take away territory belonging to 900k indigenous people. He’s also threatened to shut down the country’s indigenous affairs department and has been quoted saying “It’s a shame that the Brazilian cavalry wasn’t as efficient as the Americans, who exterminated their Indians.” as well as “If I become president, there will not be one centimeter more of indigenous land.” If this doesn’t sound genocidal…

here, here, and here are some articles explaining more.

It’s pretty evident people don’t seem care about South America and especially its indigenous tribes. Please please please keep an open mind and spread some word around. I don’t have a big active following but a little bit can go along way if people bring awareness to it.

Write to elected officials, someone up there will care. As far as helping with donations you can donate here to Survival International. Their mission is to prevent the annihilation of indigenous tribes. if you guys know of other organizations, maybe local, that can help please add them. 

Brazil’s indigenous people shouldn’t be threatened with violence and persecution while the rest of the word just sits back and watches. Not in this day and age. Please get the word out there.


I know folks mean well, but arguing that Article 13 will deprive media corporations of the free advertising furnished by Internet memes and fan media isn’t going to get you anywhere because that’s the entire point.

The whole idea of Article 13 – and the push toward copyright overreach more generally – is to make self-publishing (of all kinds, not just fan media) so onerous that only folks who operate under the auspices of corporate backers can afford to do it.

i.e., they’re trying to roll back to the pre-Internet status quo when a tiny handful of publishing corporations had absolute control over all non-local media distribution channels, and – unless the author was independently wealthy – media was permitted to reach a wide audience only with their explicit approval.

The mechanism is pretty straightforward: Article 13 and legislation like it would establish a presumption in law that the corporate claimant in any copyright dispute is correct, and place the onus upon the author as a private individual to prove otherwise. At the time of this writing, the average cost of bringing a copyright dispute to court is in the neighborhood of $200 000. What private individual has that kind of money?

It’s not just about fan media. This type of legislation would allow publishing corporations to claim that they own anything they please, and hosting providers would be obliged to block distribution of that content purely on the claimant’s say-so, unless and until the dispute is resolved in court – and unless you’ve got two hundred grand to burn, that resolution will never happen.

Of course, there’d be remedies short of going to court – like, say, signing on with a publishing company yourself, so that they can “protect” your intellectual property on your behalf. See where this is going?

Pointing out the potential for short-term harm to publishing corporations’ bottom line is a non-starter because no amount of loss of exposure could possibly outweigh the benefits to the publishing corps if the long game pays off.

My Etsy’s Back!


So, like, I still have an excess of glitter and resin, and I have a supreme amount of bills to pay. As some of you may know, my mother was recently hospitalized. She passed out at work and had to go to the ER by ambulance. Those rides are Expensive, my friends. My Christmas gift to my mother, if I can swing it with your help, is to help alleviate the burden of her ambulance bill.

It’s $450, and if I can pay even a portion of that, I will be ecstatic.

Right, so my Etsy returns! I don’t have many listings, but I hope that in keeping the amount of product I have to offer to a minimum, I can push it out super fast in time for everyone’s holiday gift exchange.

Here is the link to Cinnocent Creations, my shop!

What I have are these guys!


You can also get a custom half and half flag pendant.

There are bracelets.

There’s even an origami gift box to put it all in!


Come check it out. Help me make my mom’s Christmas a little less stressful. 

✊ Today is an Internet-wide day of action for net neutrality ✊


There’s been a major development over the past 24 hours: another member of Congress just came out in support of the House Congressional Review Act resolution to overturn FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s net neutrality repeal.

This is a big deal and could help push other lawmakers do the same, but we have to act fast because the deadline is just over a week away.

Today is a massive day of action to show lawmakers that people still care about net neutrality so we’re asking everyone to click here and tell Congress not to let their chance to save net neutrality slip away.

We’ve been fighting for months without seeing any movement in Congress, watching the clock ticking down to the deadline. But Rep Joe Morelle (NY-25) his support for the Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution could change that.

If we act fast, we can leverage this new momentum to unleash a small landslide of other representatives coming out for net neutrality before the December 10th deadline, which will make a huge difference in the battles ahead.

Today we’re asking the entire Internet to sign this open letter to Congress telling them to do the right thing and support net neutrality before it’s too late.

Your voice matters. As part of today’s Internet-wide day of action, thousands of others are speaking out, along with celebrities, musicians, and websites like Tumblr, Postmates and Etsy.

You can join them and show your support for net neutrality by submitting an ‘I support net neutrality’ photo. We will be flooding lawmakers’ social media feeds with pictures, so if they decide to vote against the open Internet we will make them look us in the eye as they do it.

Click here to sign our open letter and then submit your ‘I support net neutrality’ photo into our gallery:

We can’t let this deadline come and go without making Congress remember that the whole Internet is watching. We’re still fighting for net neutrality. And we won’t forget if they betray us.

Tell everyone you know to take action at and spread the word any way you can. Click here to find ideas on how you can use your slice of the Internet – whether that’s your Tumblr blog, a website you run, or any of your social media accounts – to help get the word out. We’re counting on you!

Please make sure your email address is up to date! | Archive of Our Own



We’re making some overdue improvements to the code that powers our login system. When we make these changes, all Archive users will be logged out of their accounts.

To avoid permanently losing access to your account, please make sure you know your password and/or can receive password reset emails by December 13.

For full details, please refer to the post.

If you don’t have access to your email address, please contact Policy & Abuse immediately.

We’ll do our best to help you regain access to your account whenever you contact us, but it’ll be a much easier process if it’s done while you’re still logged in. If you wait to get in touch with us later and can’t prove account ownership, we won’t be able to update your email and you might be logged out permanently.

Please take a moment to check your email account, and send a ticket as soon as you can if you need to have your email address manually updated. You can always reach Policy & Abuse here:

Please make sure your email address is up to date! | Archive of Our Own