




Hey, heads up everyone, it seems like the porn bots’ new thing is taking popular text posts, completely erasing the original text, and replacing it with their own spam links. To…make it look like they have more notes than they actually do, I guess??? Anyway I only found out because I saw some weird porny tags on reblogs of a totally clean post of mine, so I’d advise getting TagViewer if you don’t already have it and keeping an eye out just in case

@thebibliosphere Might be worth a reblurb on your end if you haven’t already

They’ve been doing this for a while and it’s endlessly annoying. Tag viewer from new xkit is an excellent way of spotting these posts so you can report and flag the blog.

can some one please do a walkthrough of how to acquire this for people, 

including people not using Chrome because their computer just hates it.

Go to the official new xkit tumblr:

And find the link you need:

They have a link for Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

Go to the relevant page for you. This is the firefox one:

Click the most recent download link, and follow the instructions. If you encounter the error they list at the bottom, following the provided instructions on the page will fix it.

Firefox will ask you if you want to install this extension, say yes. It will appear with your other browser extensions. You may be prompted to restart firefox (I forget), but you will certainly need to refresh tumblr to get it working. Once you’ve refreshed tumblr this icon will appear:

Click on it, and it will open the xkit utilities. Click on the bottom tab that says “get extensions” which will open the extensions page. Use the search bar to look for tag related modifications, install Tag Viewer.

Refresh tumblr again and notice this little icon at the bottom of all posts:

(I also have reply viewer, post blocker and one of tumblrs official “see where the most notes came from” extensions. It actually works pretty well.)

Click on that icon, and then let the list box load, it will show you what people have tagged the posts as, for example, this post:

And hopefully that should be it working for you!


For everyone’s information:

The plan for the 17th, when the adult content ban comes in, is to protest.

To do that, we are making as much noise either side of the 17th as possible, and using the site as normal.

On the 17th, dead silence.

People are saying log off but what they really mean is don’t open the site or the app.

But, on the 17th make as much noise as possible on every other platform. Tweet about it and post on facebook and instagram and everywhere else.

What this does is causes a massive dip in ad revenue for one single day. That does not make staff think ‘oh everyone’s gone let’s shut down.’ What it actually makes them think is ‘oh shit people aren’t happy and if people don’t keep using our site we’re out of money and out of jobs.’

A boycott reminds a company that the users (consumers) have the power to make their site (business) worthless with one single coordinated decision.

If you want to join in, here’s what to do:


  • Close all open instances of the app and site on all your devices before the 17th
  • Make posts before and after the 17th on tumblr and other platforms, talking about why this ban is bad
  • Make posts on other sites during the 17th. Flood the official tumblr staff twitter and facebook with your anger and your opinion
  • Come back on the 18th and check in


  • Delete the app from your phone (this doesn’t affect their revenue and since it’s off the store at the moment it’ll be hard to get back)
  • Delete your account. I mean you can if you want to, but if you keep your account and don’t use it you’re saying to staff that there’s still time to save it. If you delete it’s hard work to come back.
  • Open the app or website (including specific blogs)
  • Make any posts (turn down/off your queue and make sure nothing is scheduled)
  • Go quiet elsewhere. Make it clear that this is just about tumblr, not a mass move away from all social media.

Remember: the execs don’t care about anything but money. Shutting down the site means there’s $0 further income from it. That’s their last possible course of action. If we make it clear we’re not happy, they’ll have to do something or we can do more and more until it becomes too expensive.

Protests take commitment. They’re a defiant action against a business that is doing something wrong. They will try to scare you into not participating, because they’re scared. We hold all the power here, sometimes the execs just need to be reminded of that.






heads up before you spend $$ on pillowfort, especially note the paypal thing. the io domain concern does not seem carefully enforced but is in the TOS so 🤷

These are valid concerns but like. Have we tried not making a call out post to promote hate against a brand new company made by fandom for fandom? This is the same shit that has been pulled on AO3 this year. Contact them and ask them to clarify their content moderation. Ask them about their concerns about Paypal – they’ve already mentioned on their Twitter that they’re changing domains because of the adult content ban on .io domains. They’ve been nothing but open and honest about everything since they were first announced and far more patient than is reasonable with the amount of questions they receive. And the site was down because it was fixing security issues in order to make the site safer for users. They’ve been absolutely transparent about this issue, which is unheard of these days.

Pillowfort will only survive if we support it. We need our own space that isn’t going to get sold out. Do you think Twitter is gonna allow NSFW content forever? Instagram doesn’t give a shit about fandom. And while Dreamwidth would be great, it would be a total culture shock to a lot of people – they have a 500mb cap for images, a tag limit, and communities decentralize fandom unlike Tumblr’s ability to just look at all of the posts under a single tag.

I’ve been looking into Pillowfort a lot. Obviously, there have been lots of tumblr-adjacent projects that haven’t worked out in the past, so it’s reasonable to be cautious. However;

Pillowfort has existed in beta for months now, with a fairly small user base. They created, funded, and closed their kickstarter over 3 months ago- you can check, it’s dated. They earned $57k, reasonable to get started, but not enough to create a fully operational social media site in 3 months. And unless they’re psychic, their site was clearly NOT created to take advantage of users fleeing tumblr, but rather out of genuine desire to create a platform that addressed the concerns of tumblr users.

With the money they earned, they have been working on the site, and the site being down was SCHEDULED (posted about before and while it was happening, keeping registered users updated on why it was taking so long and when it would be up again) maintenance to, you know, work on the site like they promised they were going to. It is literally in beta.

Again, unless they’re psychic, they had no idea tumblr was going to drop this bombshell while they were doing their maintenance (and again it’s in beta, ie the time when the site is SUPPOSED to be under maintenance!!)

They address the .io domain on their twitter (plan to change) and their FAQ addresses their business plan and how they plan to implement it. Plans to on board moderators are discussed on their FAQ.

So yeah, I get being cautious, but you should actually DO the research on this instead of knee-jerk reaction deciding it’s a scam. I’m not saying it IS going to turn out like everyone is hoping, but I have scoured all the info on their kickstarter, social media, and website; i have checked out the demo version of the site; I like what I see and so far everything checks out. So yeah I’m willing to bet a whole $5 on this site.

Okay reblogging this for misinformation

I adore pillowfort and I will stan the fuck out of it.



I find the whole concept of being “tumblr famous” to be really weird, like I am aware I have a fairly large and consistent following for someone who isn’t running say, a community blog or a clickbaity style blog where the content is taken from elsewhere. But I don’t really think of it as…I don’t know.

I don’t really have the words for it.

I think perhaps because it was something I fell into, rather than planned, so it’s just this really surreal thing that’s happening in my life and I’m not really sure how to handle it, so I’m just…kind of carrying on like normal and pretending the numbers don’t exist? Like I don’t want that to be the focus of what I’m doing.

And then sometimes it hits me, oh, this is actually a thing. My words are everywhere on the internet, usually without credit, but they are there. I see my fear quote go past my dash every other day being misattributed to Dune. I’ve been approached for interviews, I’ve given quotes. People recognize me in the super market and shout “hi mom!” and wave. People have referenced me in their masters thesis.

Other people, high up people in publishing companies I could only ever dream of working at, have—when I’m introduced to them by a mutual—snapped their fingers in recognition and gone “oh right, you’re the online entertainer, I love your stuff! we actually used your disability in fantasy article to talk about…” and I have a brief out of body experience because how.

How is this my life? What did I ever do to deserve this?

I mean, apart from black out and recount the story of Crucifix Nail Nipples.

Yeah, no, actually.

That…that sounds about right.

@logarithmicpanda said

What’s the fear quote? 😮 I don’t think I’ve seen that one yet

“Acknowledge your fear. Let it pass over and through you,
breathe it in and hold it in your lungs, then let it out like fire. You do not
need to be a ray of sunshine to be the positive change you want to see in the
world. Sometimes you can be a very small, very afraid flicker in the darkness.

Just don’t let that flicker go out.”

It’s actually from this post, which has comparatively few notes compared to some of my others: source

But I see that last part fairly often because people lifted it out, and attributed it to “anon”, and then hilariously on one occasion, someone tried to correct them like “actually it’s from Dune”, when in actual facts it’s from little old me rambling into the void, trying to make sense of my own anxieties in a terrifying world.

I see it being used in pastel colored mood boards on Pinterest, and I’ve had to file a couple of take downs when people have tried to sell it as inspirational merch, which hMMMM. Not okay.

I’m happy to collaborate with people, but if you’re going to make a profit from my words (like I consented for @deadgodjess to use my “I hope your god will forgive you because we will not” quote) then at least ask my permission first. And for goodness sakes if you like something I say and want to make it a tumblr quote, please feel free to do so—just make sure you attach my name to it.

I know “anonymous” maybe has a more romantic connotation to it, and makes it sound like wise old words, but please don’t take the words of a disabled queer writer and eradicate their existence. The world is already trying hard enough to do that as it is.





Now this is interesting



Basically, because I know Mobile is bad with links, the article points out hat the broad, “sfw only, no titties allowed” wave on the internet in recent years is largely due to Apple’s absolute stranglehold on the App Store. Apple has strict guidelines about NSFW content that choke creators right out of mainstream social media, even on sites like Reddit, for users of their products: 

But there are fewer and fewer mainstream sites and services that support porn and adult content, and much of that attitude has grown out of Apple’s strict controls over the App Store and the iOS ecosystem. Steve Jobs famously suggested that “folks who want porn can buy an Android phone,” and Apple has repeatedly leveraged its unprecedented power over millions of smartphones to sanitize the apps that are available on iPhones. Apple does not allow apps “that contain user generated content that is frequently pornographic.” In 2016, Apple famously deleted all third-party Reddit apps that allowed users to toggle NSFW posts on and off; even now, it is impossible to access porn on an iOS Reddit app unless you jump through various hoops.

remember though that this anger isn’t about Being Horny On Main, it’s about sex workers, their platforms and followers, NSFW creators and their art, and adult content communities that are continually being shoved out of spaces they created in recent years: 

Tumblr’s leadership seems to believe that the community using Tumblr for adult content is the same as any other porn site—showing a serious disconnect with how its users actually interact and connect on its own platform. “We will leave it to them and focus our efforts on creating the most welcoming environment possible for our community,” he wrote.

The value of Tumblr for NSFW creators and fans was in the autonomy to curate something original, and the freedom to express and share what they’re into—something that can’t be replaced by algorithmically-suggested porn on the rest of the internet.

it was mentioned before somewhere else, but 20% of Tumblr’s traffic is brought in by content they’re now flagging as “adult” 

This is yet another example of a platform ignoring adult content when it helps the platform flourish, and then leaving those users out to dry when it’s time to crack down for some monetary gain or face-saving. In addition to being a terrible way to treat your user base, banning adult content on Tumblr will stifle a lot of creativity.

and of course, Apple is also one of the companies that has repeatedly come under fire for censoring lgbtq/queer identities on their sites, the app store, and also caved to russia’s anti-lgbtq policies like a stick of rotten bamboo

The communities that will feel this change the most will be the already-marginalized. “Tumblr banning adult content is a huge loss for the LGBTQ community, especially those with overlapping marginalized identities,” Kitty Stryker, a queer porn performer and consent activist, told Motherboard in an email. “For many, that’s the one place we could find porn that represents us, made by indie performers who created their own content outside of an often racist, transmisogynist, fatphobic industry. Tumblr was where our content could exist without pushing us into the restrictions of a misogynist, male dominated workplace.”

Save The Blogs!



Okay, folks. So. Tumblr’s jumped the shark in a big way, and I’m not even just talking about indiscriminately blocking all “adult” content on a platform that IS, in fact, primarily 18+.

Many blogs, like the wonderful @blackkatmagic , that are not especially NSFW have vanished.

(And I for one LIKE being able to go to curated porn blogs run by actual people and have a chance of finding stuff to my taste, it was one of the things that kept me on this hellsite, but that’s another issue entirely.)

I know lots of people are talking about migrating, but none of us are sure to where yet. Pillowfort seems to be an option, some people are talking about Twitter. But for now, it’s a mess, and even if we knew where we were going, it’s often a huge process, and a lot of us have stuff on tumblr that ONLY exists there.

One possible quick solution to save your blogs, both NSFW and personal, is to import it to WordPress. I found this solution through from frantic googling on how to save an entire blog, text posts an all. There are several apps for downloading all the pictures from a tumblr, (Plently for Windows, but only a few paid ones for mac, of which Tumbelog Picture Downloader is working for me so far) but this is the only solution I’ve seen so far that allows you to save EVERYTHING. I downloaded my NSFW blog in like 10 min. My regular blog, which is significantly larger, is in the process of importing, but I don’t anticipate any problems. I will, of course, update you if I have any.  

This tutorial I found worked really easily. http://quickguide (.) tumblr (.) com/post/39780378703/backing-up-your-tumblr-blog-to-wordpress

I put parenthesis around the .’s like we’re back in FF-Hell, just in case tumblr’s new thing about outgoing links kicks in. You know what to do. 

To break it down, just in case:

 Sign up for a account at wordpress (.) com/start

You’ll have to create an account, with your email, a username, and a password. They should send you a confirmation email immediately, check it, activate it, and you’re good to go.

On the site, it will ask you for a site name. That page asks you a bunch of other information too, but you only have to fill out the site name.

Then you have to give your site a URL. If you’re lucky, your tumblr URL is still available, if not you’ll have to come up with another one, sorry.

It will tell you if that option is still available for free.

Then it will ask you to pick a plan. Free is really good enough, I swear.

Now you’re set up! You can import your tumblr!

The only differences from the linked tutorial are that the Import button is now on the first level menu, not in tools.

Hit Import, then you have to follow the link for “other importers”  at the bottom, to find the option for Tumblr.

Then you’ll have to sign in with tumblr, using your normal tumblr credentials. You’ll be redirected there automatically.

You’ll have to allow WordPress permissions on your blog.

Then your blogs, including all your sideblogs, will show up in wordpress.

Hit import, wait a WHILE depending on the size of your blog, and you’re done!


I made my NSFW blog private for now, since I don’t know WP’s policy on NSFW.

This means that to access it, someone has to have an account and request access. But hey, part of our problem on this hellsite has been people going places they aren’t wanted, so I don’t personally see this as a bad thing. They can send a request from the landing site on your blog, you get an email, click a link in the email, and PRESTO, they have access.

To make it private, go to Settings > Reading > Site Visibility. Go back and check, it took me changing the setting twice for it to actually stick.

tl;dr, you can import your entire blog to wordpress in just a few steps. 

I’m going to tag the hell out of this, in no particular order. PLEASE reblog this and spread the word so people know it’s an option. If you’re having trouble, PM me, and I’m happy to help.

@gallusrostromegalus @kaciart @lena221bee @deadcatwithaflamethrower

@norcumi @deandraws @morn-art, @thebisexualmandalorian @kristsune @marloviandevil @punsbulletsandpointythings @protagonistically @cris-art @elfda @fish-ghost @godtierwonder @heartslogos @haekass @iesika @incogneat-oh @itispossibleihaveissues @jaegervega @jhaernyl @the-last-hair-bender @kleine-aster @latenightcornerstore @lectorel @medievalpoc @mgnemesi @me-ya-ri @myurbandream @peskylilcritter @cywscross ,@cheshiresense @varevare @victoriousscarf @whatsmeantobe @swpromptsandasks @gabriel4sam @stonefreeak @brighteyedbadwolf @pumpkin-lith @puzzleshipper @suzukiblu @myurbandream @lacefedora @jademerien

There are a whole bunch more, but that’s a start. Please reblog the hell out of this, so people are aware of this one simple option.

For people asking how to backup thier blog

Where to find me in case tumblr ever goes (more) tits up.


Hello fam, hope you’re all having a good week. I know I already made a post with something similar to this, but given Tumblr’s lack of cohesiveness, I thought I’d put it all into one readily accessible place. There are no external links in this post because I don’t want the post to get deleted, so I apologize it’s perhaps not as easy as I’d like it to be, but I’ve listed all my usernames for you to find me on these sites (you can also likely find me just by typing Joy Demorra into google if you prefer):

Twitter: @JoyDemorra where you can also now follow ETD at @__mothman if you so desire.

Facebook:  @JoyDemorra

Pillowfort: joydemorra

Instagram: thebibliosphere (public) and joydauthor (patreon locked)

Twitch: bibliosphere

Good Reads: Joy Demorra

Ao3: Demmora

Patreon: thebibliosphere


You will also soon be able to find me at “www. joydemorra .com" where you’ll also be able to sign up, though it is currently just a placeholder site. The real one is coming.

You can also email me over work related things at: info @

or for my direct editing link at: editing @ joy

These emails tend to get spammed a lot at the moment thanks to the essential oil/straw discourse, but I do make a point to check them daily and keep them as in order as possible, which is easier said than done when a massive multi-level-marketing cult has decided you’re Satan incarnate but hey, that’s life.

I do have a Discord too, but given how unusable my dms have become over there, I’m not going to list it as a valid source lol Anyway, I think that’s everything. See you all out there!





This is your reminder that Fanlore exists. It’s a wiki of fandom history run by OTW, which is the parent organization of AO3.

Here are some examples of important tumblr posts that have pages to chronicle the discussion:

That last one is too meta not to link to! 😀

Anyway, these wiki entries can give you an idea of what documentation of a tumblr post and its responses might look like. We’ll never document every single little thing, and we wouldn’t want to, but we can make a record of major conversations and schools of thought so that fans who come after us know how people were feeling on tumblr back in the day.

  • Fanlore uses the same wiki markup as Wikipedia et al.
  • Fanlore has a “Plural Point of View” policy: treat it like oral history where you want to document all sides of a controversy rather than Wikipedia’s attempt at ‘One Universal Truth’. (But feel free to correct factual errors.)
  • Fanlore is about any fandom history, so minute details of canon don’t belong on there, but minute details of meta, fanworks exchanges, any zine ever, any significant online fic, tropes in fanworks, etc. do.

Since tumblr is getting harder and harder to search, even aside from deletions, now is a great time to document important tumblr posts on Fanlore or add information from tumblr posts to existing articles.

Right now, Fanlore is an amazing resource on pre-internet “Media Fandom”, old print zines, the LJ era, and a lot of slash fandom history.

But it’s only as good and varied as its editors.

In my experience, it could use a lot of help in the realm of anime/manga fandom, including BL fandom, fandom not in English and/or outside of the English-speaking world, fandom on places like Quizilla or Wattpad, femslash fandom, etc. If your area of fandom is not represented, it’s only because the current editors don’t know enough!

You are welcome! We need you!

If you know how wikis work, you’re all set to edit Fanlore. If you’ve never used a wiki, we can help you figure it out.

As a (fellow?) member of Fanlore staff, this is a great post, and I’d like to add: if you’re adding any tumblr links, please first add them to the Wayback Machine and/or We’ve just started the process of doing this ourselves, with links already on the site, and we have 18,000+ links to go through.

Other than that, thank you for thinking to documenting things! In times of fandom turmoil like this, it’s always a mad dash of turn-over and deletion and stuff falls through the cracks, making the jobs of Fanlore editors that much more difficult.

If you’re still wondering where to start or how to edit on Fanlore, we have tutorials and a new visitor portal. And like the above post said, you’re always welcome to ask us!

I think it can be hard to navigate the site and find out what you need to know without reading, like, everything first, so here’s some quick info.

finding things to read on fanlore

joining fanlore & using fanlore to help people find you

I saw a post about this going around but alas did not reblog it so I can’t find it now. I’ve definitely seen people doing this so here are simple instructions so you know what you’re getting into:

  • You will have to sign up! It’s easy, you just need to give your email.
  • You will need to wait 4 hours to create any new pages. (During which time you could… idk… read things? Help with the purge page? Take a nap?)
  • You will want to create two new pages! This is because fanlore is a wiki, not a social media site, and you should cover all your bases. 
  • The first page will be at but “yourname” will be, you know, whatever you signed up with; I would suggest using whatever you’re going to use for page #2 but it’s up to you.

    Here is a tutorial for this part. Your userpage is something only you can edit. Write it in first person. Put external links to all the places people can find you, even if they’re not fandom related. Got a cooking blog or something? Great! You can link that on your user page.

  • The second page will be at where  “yourname” should be whatever handle you use most often. You may have to disambiguate. 

    Here is the help page for this part. What you’re making will (probably) be a “fan page” so you will need this infobox template. In the “url” section, you can link to any fannish websites you’re a part of or places you talk about fannish things (eg: Twitter is not inherently fannish but if you use it for fannish things, great!) and you should probably link to the user page you just made if it has non-fannish info. Also, please add your fannish history! 

    This page will be easier for people to find than your userpage. This page will show up on google. This page can be edited by all other Fanlore users, but don’t worry, we’re nice! We might neaten up your formatting or add info or something.

  • You’re basically done! If you want to be a really cool kid, though…
  • Look on the sidebar for “What links here” and see if we’ve made internal links to your page already!  There may be nothing, especially if you had to disambiguate. There may be lots but none of them actually refer to you… in which case you should probably disambiguate.
  • Use fanlore’s search function to search for your own name/tumblr url to see if we’ve added anything about you, then add an internal link to the new page you just made!

how to edit fanlore & where to start

….and that’s it! Please join Fanlore and tell us everything about you and all of your fandoms, especially the really weird ones we’ve never even heard of.



Apparently my blog has been marked as “explicit” (not sure where to see this status) so if I vanish come the 17th go ham on Tumblr. Just go absolutely buck wild. Destroy everything.

I’ll be back before new years with a strongly worded appeal.

Oh- Fox! this is ridiculous and makes no sense. 

for those of you still wondering why many of us are Very Angry (because “Oath is doing the right thing-getting rid of porn- think of the children!”). 

This. Is. Why.  

Witch-hunts do not discern important context- they just slash and burn it all. 

Verizon will keep coming at users with crappy tools and bad policy, until even totally ‘harmless’ blogs are shut down. 

please, help content creators



with tumblr’s no-more-n.sfw purge already going strong, randomly flagging image posts just for containing a colour that resembles bare skin, we gotta have each others’ backs here, folks!!

if you come across posts that have been flagged even tho they are completely PG, let their creators know, please!!

because despite what they are saying, i have yet to receive a single
email notices

from tumblr about the 5 newly flagged posts of mine, and it’s been the same for other artists and gifmakers i’ve contacted since last night after noticing something of their’s had been flagged.

they flag posts, but they do NOT (yet? always? ever?) tell creators about it!

having our creators’ backs is especially important for those who have attached their work to reblogs of already existing post, e.g. creator sees image post that inspires them to write something (fictional or non-fictional)

or create artwork in response to the image, then reblogs original image posts and adds their work in the captions to it -im sorry i cant find better examples right now, but i know response works like the ones link here exist for n.sfw posts as well-, bcos they will never get notified by tumblr since the original posts aren’t their own, but their reblogs containing new works will disappear nevertheless