




during a job interview if you get asked, “What are three words your friends would use to describe you?” just use some traits from ur hogwarts house

reblog to save a life

Hufflepuff: hardworking, loyal, responsible

Ravenclaw: smart, curious, analytical

Slytherin: enterprising, clever, creative

Gryffindor: adventurous, confident, principled


……….well this is more helpful than I ever expected.


80% of my opinions on Tumblr discourse are driven by one principle. I call it the Hateful Shitbag test. Imagine a hateful shitbag, the kind of person who has a Blue Lives Matter flag and thinks Fox News is mostly good but not as insightful as Breitbart. The Hateful Shitbag test is to ask yourself whether that person, qua hateful shitbag, would like your opinions on a group in question. If they wouldn’t, it passes. If they would, it doesn’t mean you’re a hateful shitbag yourself, but it might mean you’ve internalized some of the narratives they spread, and it certainly means you’re giving them comfort. 

For instance, take TERFs. They claim to be radical, but would a hateful shitbag approve of the way they talk about trans women? Hell yeah, they’d love it. In fact, a lot of them do love it and try to make friends. It fails the Hateful Shitbag test. 

Would a hateful shitbag agree with how transmeds talk about non-binary people? How about how exclusionists talk about ace people? Or whoever the heck it is who goes on about MOGAI people? I really like the hateful shitbag test; it’s a good way to catch yourself when you start internalizing things. 

tldr don’t act like hateful shitbags even if you want to 







More facts

….maybe that’s why I listen to Skyrim and Mass Effect when I’m writing.

Just going to leave that there for anyone who needs it

this is true. whenever i study, write, or other university things, i always listened to game music, film musics and classical. (and maybe a playlist of adventure time and starwars). it makes me super focused!

More advice from a gamer and psych major. Make two playlists! One with the softer, more flowing music, like what you hear while traveling in a game. Name it “Field music.” This kind of music is supposed to just keep the flow as you travel in the game and it keeps pressure even.

Now take all the high-intensity battle music and make a playlist called “Boss Fight.” This music is supposed to make you feel just a bit desperate, but also empowered and badass. This is good for VERY CLOSE DEADLINES and “HOLY SHIT THREE PARAGRAPHS TO GO I GOT THIS.” It helps you get reenergized and gets you pumped to push through the last bit.

This is how I study and write papers.

For those of us who like lyrics, pick something NOT in the language you are writing in. When you’re writing in English and listening to English music it lowers your ability to write as well as you could because your brain is also interpreting the music.

If you’ve got 4 hours or close to that to work on something, I recommend this:

It’s wild but it fits the criteria and works for me.












I wish that ao3 had an option to filter warnings (and tbh certain authors) out like I will never ever want to read it and just seeing it puts me off so much that often I end up closing my browser because that content upsets me so much lmao

There is a way to do this but I can’t recall how to do it. it’s something you type into the box for “other filters” or something, I don’t remember. who knows??

It’s not a great option, and I don’t know if you can sort out authors that way, but it’s better than nothing if someone can reblog this with how to do it!

Alrighty friends! It takes some specificity, but you can do this. Let me show you how!

So I started with going to the Sherlock (TV) section of Ao3. On the right we find this lovely section! ((I know I’m going over things you already probably know, but I figure this post may go to new Ao3 users, so bear with me.))

Underneath this, I chose sort by Kudos, because that’s a quick way to find most popular fics, for the sake of this demonstration. 

With those filters on, we end up with this being our first two results: 

As you can see, we have Nature and Nurture by earlgreytea68, and The Internet Is Not Just For Porn by cyerus. So what if I am utterly sick of seeing earlgreytea68 on my list? Let’s pretend I’ve read all their fics, or that I just don’t like her, or whatever. I want this author out. I go to this section on the right: 

In “Search within results” I type earlgreytea68 into the bar, with a minus sign in front. This gives me the following page, upon hitting the sort and filter button:

There goes earlgreytea68! But now I’ve decided that Crack is just not my thing, I’m sick of that, too, for heaven’s sake, I want something reasonable in my gay slash fanfiction about detectives that solve crimes about glowing dogs and irish megalomaniacs. Heaven forbid this get ridiculous.

Well, then I add this to my search:

Which gets rid of everything with that tag. My results are now:

Performance in a Leading Role is now my first result!

You can do this as many times as you want; the biggest problem I have is trying to filter out multi-worded tags. For example, “Secret Relationship” is hard to filter. Better to go with authors you dislike or with words like “DubCon”. 

I hope this helps! Also remember that googling and then adding search terms will mean google searches Ao3 for you, and sometimes that works far better. 

Good luck!

An excellent in-depth guide! Thank you!!

omg changed my whole ao3 rarepair game

An excellent guide to filtering on AO3!

You can filter out phrases by enclosing them in quotes. For example, if ABO and Hydra Trash Party are not your things, try:

-“alpha/beta/omega dynamics” -”hydra trash party”

I have more advice!

Say, you’re in your random fandom- I went with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, since I’ve been reading Iron Man stuff recently. Tony Stark is awesome.

But anyway, you’re on the page, and you see that there are 174,774 works! That is way too many for a casual afternoon’s browsing.

And you see that the first one is Peter Parker/Tony Stark and that is not your jam. It doesn’t work for you, or it squicks you, whatever. Wouldn’t life be easier if you could browse without seeing that pairing (or whatever pairing you don’t like)? You can!

First, click on that pairing tag(You may want to open this in another tab, actually.):

and it’ll take you to the page for that pairing tag. Click this button:

and then look at the address bar! The actual page is unimportant. Copy the numbers located here:

and go back to the original search page! Down on the side, in the same place you can get rid of other tags, type -relationship_ids:”the number you just copied”

Then hit ‘sort and filter’ annnd… magic!

The fics with that pairing are gone! You can also do multiple pairings, get rid of any tags you don’t like, and sort it by date or length or kudos, or whatever.


I’d just like to add that these sorts of search modifiers ALSO WORK IN GOOGLE AND MOST RESEARCH DATABASES.

The more you know.

good info for my sweet ygo family

Jolly good,it came back on my dash again






oh this is a life saver

So these are both “Aw Fuck I’m outta real food” meals BUT ALSO:  if you’re learning how to cook, these are great “baby steps” meals to learn how to cook basics into something enjoyable without “wasting” anything expensive.  Though I maintain that even cooking screw-ups are valuable in terms of lessons learned.

Also they’re great for when you get absorbed in something and you realize your blood sugar is dropping and you need to make something Quick.

They’re also fantastic for spoonies with limited mobility and chronic pain that makes cooking really hard and painful! Thanks for sharing OP 😀

great for low income peeps as well. A lot of these foods are also things thatll keep for ages




I don’t know the source but amazing advice.

I’m not sure if anyone has added the source but I’m pretty sure these have all come from inflexible-yogis on Instagram! They’re amazing. They pull from a variety of instructors and yogis, and all of them are so helpful! I’ve saved so fucking many to my collection for future reference.

Seriously. If you’re into yoga, FOLLOW THEM.

Stay safe while watching shows!


Some helpful sites that contain trigger warnings and content warnings for TV and movies. Feel free to add more!! ❤

  • unconsentingmedia – sexual assault warnings, on a scale of severity/obviousness. 
  • doesthedogdie – list of certain things that are triggering, people vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
  • cringeMDb – tells you if there is nudity, sex, or sexual assault.
  • kidsinmind – includes 3 rating scales (sex and nudity) (violence and gore) (language) and clarifies in detail.