Censored on tumblr





What all ask boxes look like for me (submission boxes look exactly the same):

Left: what happens when I try to open dms (New Message does nothing); I can’t even read them. Right: when I try to go to someone’s dms from their blog.

Neither new things I post nor old things I post show up in the tags they’re in, even if they were before.

I can type things into replies, but it won’t actually post them.

Since it doesn’t seem this one has been encountered by many people yet, maybe reblog this so people know about it. I’m probably getting deleted though

Tumblr is shadowbanning people and they aren’t even trying to be subtle about it.

Please spread the word.

I’m glad this is spreading but simultaneously it makes it sound like the shadowban is much less severe than it is because I didn’t realize, and this shadowban is so severe I can’t even add on / tell anyone that.

All my likes, reblogs, and replies are hidden from the notes of EVERY post.

When I like or rb things it doesn’t show notes in someone’s activity / dash, except long-time followers (not sure about the exact cutoff/conditions).

If I reblogged and added something to this from a non-follower they wouldn’t even know.
Check and see: my rb’s don’t even show up in the notes.
So people couldn’t even find out I added something on by checking the notes either:

Not to mention: I’m hidden from all searches, can’t be @’d, past @’s of me are hidden from my notes, I don’t get notified when people reply to a post I replied to, my @’s don’t give notes, and every search on my blog is blanked. I can’t even ask/submit to myself even with anons, and lots more.

Oh, yeah, and: MY BLOG ISN’T EVEN MARKED NSFW. Every flagged post I’ve found was restored. But every flagged post you contest brings attention to you that risks you just getting shadowbanned randomly.

THIS is the version that should get spread around…

please, help content creators



with tumblr’s no-more-n.sfw purge already going strong, randomly flagging image posts just for containing a colour that resembles bare skin, we gotta have each others’ backs here, folks!!

if you come across posts that have been flagged even tho they are completely PG, let their creators know, please!!

because despite what they are saying, i have yet to receive a single
email notices

from tumblr about the 5 newly flagged posts of mine, and it’s been the same for other artists and gifmakers i’ve contacted since last night after noticing something of their’s had been flagged.

they flag posts, but they do NOT (yet? always? ever?) tell creators about it!

having our creators’ backs is especially important for those who have attached their work to reblogs of already existing post, e.g. creator sees image post that inspires them to write something (fictional or non-fictional)

or create artwork in response to the image, then reblogs original image posts and adds their work in the captions to it -im sorry i cant find better examples right now, but i know response works like the ones link here exist for n.sfw posts as well-, bcos they will never get notified by tumblr since the original posts aren’t their own, but their reblogs containing new works will disappear nevertheless


My friends!!!……




It seems that other users have this problem in their blogs too, it’s as if the posts were scrambled (see the date of the posts) and the new posts / reblogs are “hidden”.

If you go directly to the archive, you will be able to see the recent posts / reblogs. So you can “like/reblog” from there or opening the “side blog” from the dashboard.


Anyway I will report this, if you are using the Tumblr APP, you will not have any problem to see my new posts.


Edit: Really Tumblr????? YmY)9


So basically what’s happening is some blogs are being “muted” by tumblr. (Way to go guys. You’re doing great at this. 👍🙄)

If you go into the posts that aren’t showing up and click on edit, then save, it seems to fix the problem. Huge pain in the ass but…

i tried that and that post would disappear from top and the next one would stay… i don’t have patience for it lol

edit: i went to mega editer and deleted them *big fake smile)

And now a warning about drafts


You ever write up a post you decide will be too controversial or embarrassing but leave it in your drafts to sleep on and then forget about it? How about real personal stuff you weren’t sure you wanted to share at the time? Heavy-ass receipts on bad shit you’re leaving there only just in case you’re forced to use them?

Well if any of your drafts get flagged by the new system, a mod can apparently see them in with all your other flagged posts, and if they un-flag them, it publishes them automatically as a brand new post. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

Mayors of four Ontario cities ask feds to take over scrapped basic income pilot


The mayors of four Ontario cities are asking the federal government to take over a basic income pilot project that the province is winding down.

In a joint letter, the mayors of Hamilton, Thunder Bay, Brantford and Kawartha Lakes, ask federal Social Development Minister Jean-Yves Duclos to assume oversight of the program, which the province said it is ending earlier than planned.

Continue Reading.

Mayors of four Ontario cities ask feds to take over scrapped basic income pilot





Now that Doug Ford has been sworn in, his cabinet team has been revealed. Some of the lowlights include:

  • Kenora-Rainy River MPP Greg Rickford is the Minister of Indigenous Affairs. He opposed the national inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women, and he has been accused of “[failing] to represent the interests of First Nations in his riding,” especially with regards to clean water access.
  • Sam Oosterhoff, MPP for Niagara West, is the parliamentary assistant to Huron-Bruce MPP Lisa Thompson in her role as Minister of Education. Oosterhoff, an opponent of same-sex marriage and reproductive rights, never went through the public school system.
  • Scarborough-Rouge River MPP Raymond Cho made headlines during his election campaign for getting in a “physical altercation” with a seventh-grader. He is now the Minister for Seniors and Accessibility.
  • Merrilee Fullerton, MPP for Kanata-Carleton, is the Minister of Training, Colleges, and Universities. In 2015, she posted a tweet suggesting that Muslim teachers make her uncomfortable, and she also posted news about an anti-Muslim rally. She denies that she is Islamophobic.

Is this a fucking joke

This is not a joke.

Another one not widely circulated:

Doug Ford eliminated the Ministry dedicated to Indigenous Relations & Reconciliation:


He was told not to by everyone:

NDP to Ford: don’t scrap the Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation

Doug Ford urged to keep Indigenous post in new cabinet

New northern Ontario MPP-elect says having Indigenous relations ministry is ‘critical’






Why does this not surprise me?

Senior members of the Ontario Liberals would rather Doug Ford get elected than the NDP, because they see an opportunity to easily kick them out next election.

This is the worst kind of cynical politics. It leaves out the harm that Doug Ford would cause to so many people. These people have no empathy.

Its already happening:

Neoliberalism on display. They don’t actually care about us.

Yes, the NDP made a single error in their budget math.  And then they had that budget and its related math reviewed be a respected non-partisan economist, the former Parliamentary Budget Officer for the federal government appointed by Steven Harper, who also missed the error, before publishing it for the public and their opponents to review.  Correcting this error makes the NDP’s proposed budget appear 1.4 billion dollars more expensive than initially presented.  Certainly that appears to be quite a large number.

The Wynne government sold off critical public infrastructure to help pay for provincial programs in a deal that will actually end up costing the Ontario public BILLIONS of dollars ($1.1 billion by 2018-2019, $1.8 by 2028, and growing slowly ever after) more than simply taking on traditional debt to fund the same expenditures (and that’s without even considering the ‘radical’ option of effective progressive taxation sufficient to cover the province’s expenses).

One of these was a simple mistake in bookkeeping.  The other was a conscious choice with actual consequences.

Remember this when Liberals try to talk about ‘fiscal responsibility’ and various parties’ suitability to govern our province.

So basically, they’re admitting the NDP would probably do a good enough job that they’d be re-elected, meaning enough people would be happy with the NDP to vote for them again. So, they’re essentially rooting for the general population of Ontario to be miserable because they stand to MAYBE benefit from it personally.

A+ public service, Ontario Libs.

Empty bellies and bare shelves: Nova Scotia university food banks struggle to meet demand


Food has become the necessity that many students can’t afford as their money is used up paying tuition, buying books and covering the cost of housing.

It’s a trend that’s led to a jump in the number of students using food banks at universities across the province, according to the Canadian Federation of Students.

“Students are unable to even access the food bank or get food because it’s clearing so fast,” said Jade Byard-Peek, deputy chair of the Canadian Federation of Students.

That means some students are going hungry despite having a food bank at their school.

Continue Reading.

Empty bellies and bare shelves: Nova Scotia university food banks struggle to meet demand



I have seen some bad ‘hot takes’ about the Ontario election. This one is one of the worst.

These are the same hot takes about Trump before he did some very bad things. These are the same hot takes about Doug Ford’s brother before he did some very bad things.

Also Jen Gerson lives in Alberta. So ???.

Also not mentioned in the article once: Andrea Horwath or the NDP.

Twitter responds:

Doug Ford Made a Secret Backroom Deal to Sell ‘Big Chunk’ of Toronto’s Greenbelt to Developers



Doug Ford is railing against Kathleen Wynne’s secret backroom deals while privately promising wealthy real estate tycoons he will green light a plan to bulldoze environmentally-protected public lands.

In a newly surfaced video filmed February 12 at a campaign event in Markham, Ontario, Ford says he’s talked with “some of the biggest developers” in Canada about developing a “big chunk” of Toronto’s greenbelt.

“We will open up the greenbelt,” Ford tells a room of supporters. “We’re going to open a big chunk of it up and start building.”

Although the greenbelt protects environmentally-sensitive wetlands and forests, Ford tells supporters not to worry, because “it’s just farmers’ fields.”

Continue Reading.

Want to stop this from happening? 

Consider donating to the Ontario NDP:


Consider volunteering for the Ontario NDP:


If any party has a chance to beat Doug Ford’s PC’s, its the NDP (plus they have the best policies).

Doug Ford Made a Secret Backroom Deal to Sell ‘Big Chunk’ of Toronto’s Greenbelt to Developers