
Lee says:

  • The word “transgender” is an umbrella term that covers anyone who identifies as a gender they were not assigned at birth.
  • Both binary people and non-binary people are equally transgender.
  • Being trans without dysphoria is possible.
  • Gender expression ≠ gender identity, as shown on the genderbread person
  • Again, if you don’t fully identify as the gender you were assigned at birth 100% of the time, you can call yourself trans. That’s it, there’s no other criteria you need to meet to be trans.
  • More info: Trans resources masterpost or Ally resources for cis people

Followers, feel free to add on!

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@twothumbsandnostakeincanon I 100% blame you. 

“Absolutely not.” 

Lydia’s lips purse and her eyes narrow, and oh, oh shit. Allison gets the sinking-gut feeling that tells her she’s not gonna win this one. 


It throws Allie for a loop. “Why what?”

Lydia tosses her hair over her shoulder, cocking a hip to plant her hand there. “Why don’t you want to do a photo shoot with the bike? You love the bike.” 

Her cheeks heat, because yeah, Lydia’s made sure she loves the bike. “Yeah, but I don’t trust whatever you’re planning, and I do not need my dad knowing that we’ve defiled one of his motorcycles.” 

Lydia hummed, looking thoughtful. “Okay, yeah, I–what if I promise to keep it tasteful? Just a couple shots, nothing explicit, suggestive only?” 

With that worry assuaged, Allison’s a little intrigued now. “Who’re you gonna get to take the photos?” 

“The usual guy I model for. I’ve agreed to do a couple sessions for free in return for this, and I offered a little incentive for everything from this set to remain private.” 

Allie’s eyebrows climb her face. “As opposed to what? Plastered all over the internet?” 

Lydia rolls her eyes. “Jesus, Allie, no! As opposed to in his portfolio, for prospective clients to view!” 

She bites her lip, turning away. “I still don’t know.” 

Lydia slinks closer, sliding her arms around Allie’s waist and pressing up against her. “What if I let you bend me over the bike after he leaves?” 

And oh, but that’s almost enough to make her agree. She’s wanted to bend her prissy princess over the bike for weeks now. 

Lydia looks up at her coyly. “You can pick out the toy, if you want. Put it in your new harness?”

Allie leans down and kisses the strawberry-glossed lips. “Sold.” 

@twothumbsandnostakeincanon I 100% blame you. 

“Absolutely not.” 

Lydia’s lips purse and her eyes narrow, and oh, oh shit. Allison gets the sinking-gut feeling that tells her she’s not gonna win this one. 


It throws Allie for a loop. “Why what?”

Lydia tosses her hair over her shoulder, cocking a hip to plant her hand there. “Why don’t you want to do a photo shoot with the bike? You love the bike.” 

Her cheeks heat, because yeah, Lydia’s made sure she loves the bike. “Yeah, but I don’t trust whatever you’re planning, and I do not need my dad knowing that we’ve defiled one of his motorcycles.” 

Lydia hummed, looking thoughtful. “Okay, yeah, I–what if I promise to keep it tasteful? Just a couple shots, nothing explicit, suggestive only?” 

With that worry assuaged, Allison’s a little intrigued now. “Who’re you gonna get to take the photos?” 

“The usual guy I model for. I’ve agreed to do a couple sessions for free in return for this, and I offered a little incentive for everything from this set to remain private.” 

Allie’s eyebrows climb her face. “As opposed to what? Plastered all over the internet?” 

Lydia rolls her eyes. “Jesus, Allie, no! As opposed to in his portfolio, for prospective clients to view!” 

She bites her lip, turning away. “I still don’t know.” 

Lydia slinks closer, sliding her arms around Allie’s waist and pressing up against her. “What if I let you bend me over the bike after he leaves?” 

And oh, but that’s almost enough to make her agree. She’s wanted to bend her prissy princess over the bike for weeks now. 

Lydia looks up at her coyly. “You can pick out the toy, if you want. Put it in your new harness?”

Allie leans down and kisses the strawberry-glossed lips. “Sold.” 




in grade 12 we were reading romeo and juliet and we were at the romantic-ass balcony scene and this hot girl in the class volunteered to read juliet’s parts and i put up my hand to volunteer for another part and the teacher goes ‘oh do you want to be the nurse, amanda?’ and i was like ‘no i wanna be romeo’ and the hot girl swiveled around in her seat to give me a Look™

she and i later ended up making out at a bunch of parties in university lmfao

in retrospect this moment was absolutely pivotal to my butch awakening but it was also just a lesbian power move

I too got a girlfriend over this play. In grade 10, I was reading the balcony scene to study with two other people (one guy and one beautiful girl) and I insisted point blank I had to read as romeo, because he had the most lines and I’m a dramatic little shit.

So the other two in my group are used to my antics by now. We’re all friends, so the pair of them decide that the one guy in our group gets to be the nurse. Now, my Juliet and I have been friends for a couple months by this point, so I decide to be a little more dramatic.

We put Juliet on a spinny chair, and pump it up as tall as it goes, and my baby, closeted lesbian ass crouches on the floor, ready to be as melodramatic as possible. Like, I’m about to do a rendition that makes William himself walk into the class and tell me to take it back a notch or twelve.

And then I look up.

And holy shit.

There she is, Juliet, haloed in the worst fluorescent light known to mortals across the globe. Light just streaming down around her, that weird off-green colour that it always is. And she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. My little gay soul is barely holding on as the words barely leave my lips, breathlessly. “But soft… what light from yonder window breaks?”

And Juliet was the sun. Romeo was not exaggerating that line at all.

Juliet and I have also been together for more than 4 years now. She’s every bit as spectacular as she was when I was a lovestruck teenage Romeo, kneeling on the yellowed linoleum floor of second block english.

An Incomplete List Of Thing That Actually Fucking Happened On Xena: Warrior Princess




1: Gabrielle is placed under a sleeping curse which is broken when Xena kisses her (on the lips)

2: Xena’s ghost possesses someone’s body and makes out with Gabrielle (who totally knows it’s her and would never kiss the guy she’s possessing)

3: Xena and Gabrielle’s reincarnations find each other, remember their past life together, and then get married

4: Xena refers to Gabrielle as the father of her child

5: Xena and Gabrielle consistently referring to each other as their “soul mate” 

6: Xena stays sane and keeps from breaking during torture by imagining Gabrielle doing a sexy dance

7: This:   


– Actual thing Lucy Lawless said, when asked if Xena and Gabrielle were gay af and a couple on the show


Hey y’all, with Asexual Awareness Week coming up (Oct 21-27th this year) here are a few things to remember!

Asexuals are part of the LGBTQ+ community

• Asexuality is real

Aces can choose not to celebrate/participate in any way

• Aces have every right to be proud of their identity

Aces are lgbt+ regardless of their romantic orientation.

• Aces aren’t “basically straight” or any other complaint exclusionists have

Asexuality is an orientation just like any other as well as a spectrum

• Greysexuals, Demisexuals, Cupiosexual, etc are all valid and also have a right to celebrate this week

Ace Men exist

• Nonbinary Aces exist

Not every Ace is Cis

• Exclusionists/Gatekeepers/etc are not welcome here

AroAces exist

• Ace WLW exist

Ace MLM exist

• Ace nblnb / nblm / nblw exist

Poc Aces exist

• Disabled Aces exist

Mentally ill Aces exist

• There are Aces of many different races/genders/ages/religions/etc

Whether you’re an Ace still struggling with their orientation or an Ace who’s proud, or any other type of Ace, Asexual Awareness Week is for you and you’re valid regardless.

Feel free to add on!


okay, so i’m not sure if everyone heard of what happened on the bachelor vietnam a few weeks back, but basically one contestant professed her love for another one on national TV:

at first, after the contestant minh thu professed her love for the other contestant truc nhu, they walked out of the show together:

but apparently afterwards, the bachelor quoc trung met up with truc nhu and convinced her to remain on the show, which pretty much broke hearts everywhere:

BUT i just found out that minh thu and truc nhu are officially together as a couple!!!

twentygayteen just keeps on giving!!!!

@bunnywest OMG LOOK



I hope that all lesbians who once thought they were bi know that they aren’t contributing to the “bi is just a stepping stone to gay” stereotype. That stereotype was made up by straight people who refused to try to understand bisexuality. I also hope that all bi women who once thought they were lesbians know that they aren’t contributing to the “all lesbians must secretly like men” stereotype. Again, this was made up by straight people who refuse to try to understand lesbians. It’s not anyone’s responsibility in their journey of self discovery to dismantle every harmful stereotype along the way; sometimes you’re just figuring yourself out and get mixed up along the way and that’s okay. We have each other to support each other as wlw regardless of whether or not we got confused down the line at some point.

I needed this