

So, FYI you guys, sometimes if you go to your favorite writers and flail at them a lot about how much you love their fics with lots of specific examples, they will let you read thousands of words of their unpublished WIPs and you can flail even more. Also sometimes after that you get to be friends, too, and help them come up with ideas. And vice versa! This is pretty much the best thing in the world and it is called fandom.

Start with trans rights, an alternative idea.




I’ll keep this somewhat short. I think in terms of the huge queer spectrum there has been an excellent idea to start the push for equal rights with gay marriage, on the basis that you have to start focusing on one thing, and gay marriage is a quick and easy win (relatively). Okay, a huge struggle, but as things go it was easier for a lot of people to accept.

Anyway, I’d like to suggest a selfish alternative idea, which is starting with recognizing trans people with all the necessary legal abilities to change name and genders and treatment being protected and not gatekept and making it not legal to murder us and stuff. Here’s my thoughts why:

We need rapid change, not incremental. If you start with trans rights, it has to pull all the rest along with it. If people can change gender, you have to recognize a fluidity and spectrum. If gender is fluid, you have to recognize a fluid sexuality as well. If people can go from a heterosexual marriage to a queer one, you have to recognize marriage equality. If you have to start recognizing equality for queer people generally, you have to start realizing there’s a pretty big problem with racial equality in the queer world. And so on. 

I think trans rights nets the whole thing in one catch, and this is probably very naive and full of problems I didn’t think but also – I am absolutely this selfish.

This isn’t even selfish anymore, just a necessity.

This works in reverse too by the way so if we lose rights you know they’re gunning for everyone and will use it as precedence to knock down every bit of progress since the 1920s.


Does anyone else love bad weather? Like the kind that’s loud and dark and draws attention to its self like pounding rain drops and thunder and lightning that seems just so close. And you can sit near a window and it’s dark outside and maybe you’ve got a candle lit or a lamp and it’s so warm inside and you’re wearing you’re favourite sweater and watching a good show or reading a good book and it’s beautiful outside the rain and the clouds and the sound of it all and you’re just so content and cosy and happy



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[Drawing of a blue cup of coffee on a black background with a caption that says “Just because you didn’t get the help you needed doesn’t mean you didn’t deserve it. You are, always have been, and always will be worthy of help.”]

I had a therapist who phrased it this way: “Other peoples’ lack of compassion or failed responsibility is not a commentary on your moral worth.”